Less than five percent of all adults get their recommended exercise each day, and there are a lot of reasons for that. One reason is that motivating yourself to exercise can be super difficult, particularly when you have a lot going on in your life.

Luckily, we can help you out. Let’s go through how to motivate yourself to workout.

Make It Fun

Choose a Workout Space

It can be hard to motivate yourself to do something when you just don’t like it. So, if you hate your current workout routine, look for ways to make it fun for yourself.

If you’re tired of the gym, try signing up for a class. Some options available to you include:

  • Barre
  • Zumba, or more dedicated forms of dance classes
  • Different types of yoga
  • Circuit training
  • Water aerobics
  • Spin class
  • Pilates
  • Kickboxing

If you don’t feel comfortable going to a physical class, you can dip your toe in the pool with videos on YouTube.

And, if you’d rather exercise with people, why not try out a sports team? There’s probably a league in your area that offers a sport that you’re interested in.

You can also try some outdoor sports such as skateboarding or rock climbing to burn some extra calories every day.

Get a Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is a great tool for helping you get motivated! First of all, if you don’t want to lose money, you’ll have to actually go to your sessions. But, personal trainers have a lot of skills to help you on your fitness journey.

Check out this information to learn more about the benefits of a personal trainer and how to hire one in your area.

Set Goals

HIIT Workout

If you have milestones to reach for, it can be a lot easier for you to want to exercise on an everyday basis.

If you’re working on losing weight, for example, you can set goals that are tied to numbers. Just make sure that they’re both healthy and realistic. You don’t want to be berating yourself for not losing an amount of weight that could’ve made you very sick.

You can also set goals based on an event. Many people decide to train for a marathon, but you need to work your way up to it – which is where goal setting comes in.

Get a Buddy

Are you tired of trying to work out alone? Why don’t you ask a close friend if they’re also trying to get fit. That way, you can keep each other accountable and set up times to go work out together. A lot of people find working with a loved one to be great workout motivation, so there’s no harm in giving it a shot.

no-equipment workouts

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout: Now You Know

With these tips on how to motivate yourself to workout, you’ll be in great shape in no time. And, if you don’t succeed at first, you can always try again.

Do you need more help with fitness and more? Take a look at a sampling of some of our other useful posts.

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