When it comes to choosing a personal injury attorney for your car accident case, you have a lot of options. Most cities are home to a number of such law offices. But you shouldn’t hire just any attorney. You need an attorney who’s experienced, skilled, and a good fit for you personally.

But how do you find such an attorney? You’re going to have to meet with several local lawyers and ask them questions about their experience and track record. You’ll have to pay attention to how communicative they are, and how professional. Choose someone who will work on contingency and who is willing to take your case to trial if that’s what it takes to get you the best outcome.

Consult with Several Local Attorneys


Just the thought of talking to multiple attorneys when you’re recovering from the aftermath of a car accident can be exhausting, but it’s exactly what you have to do to find the right lawyer for your case. Look for experienced lawyers in your area that handle car accident cases. Personal injury lawyers tend to specialize in one narrow area of personal injury law, like dog bites or truck accidents, so look for lawyers that have taken on cases like yours. Ideally, you want a lawyer who specializes in car accidents, like the Denver car accident attorneys at Springer & Steinberg, P.C. If your accident involved a truck, talk to lawyers who specialize in truck accidents.

Look for local attorneys by contacting your state bar association. Go to an attorney’s website to find information about their firm, their experience, and their track record of settling versus taking cases to trial. Most attorneys will give you an initial consultation for free. You can use this as an opportunity to find out whether the attorney thinks you have a strong case, as well as whether you think they are professional and whether you feel like you could work with them.

Pay Attention to Professionalism and Responsiveness

When you talk to an attorney, do they seem professional and well-organized? Is their office well-managed? When you meet with an attorney, pay attention to how professional they seem. Look for positive reviews on Google and social media. Ask how the firm is involved with the community – do they give back through local charities or other activities? Is the firm well respected? Ask for references from past clients and other attorneys.

Lawyer for Your Case

It’s also important that your attorney be easy to get in touch with when you need him or her. Pay attention to how easy it is to make that first contact. If you had to leave a message, did the attorney return your call promptly? Do they answer emails? You may be working together for weeks or months, so you don’t want to feel like you have to chase them for updates and information.

Choose Someone Who Will Work on Contingency

Obviously, the cost is a concern when you’re thinking of hiring a car accident lawyer. You may not want to go with the cheapest attorney. A more expensive attorney might be better positioned to get you more money. Make sure you choose a lawyer that works on contingency – most personal injury lawyers do. That way, you can pay your legal costs out of the settlement or award.

Local Attorneys

Most attorneys will charge a contingency fee of 33 to 40 percent. You’ll pay more if your case goes to trial, because that’s more work for the attorney. Make sure you get a fee schedule from any lawyer you talk to so you can compare fees.

Find a Lawyer with Trial Experience

Some lawyers might be happy just to take whatever settlement they can get for you, just so they can take their cut of it. You want a lawyer that will go to court for you if that’s what’s in your best interests. Sometimes, you can get a lot more by going to trial than you can by settling. But because many personal injury cases settle, many lawyers don’t have a ton of trial experience. And in the courtroom, experience is what matters.

Ask about an attorney’s track record of taking cases to trial. Have they taken any cases like yours to trial and won? What kinds of awards did their clients get?

Finding the perfect attorney can make such a difference in your personal injury case. Take the time to find someone who will fight for you, so you can get every penny you deserve.

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