Car accidents in Tampa, FL are a common occurrence. Florida has the misfortune of being one of the top three states for car crashes, with more than 386,000 car crashes recorded each year. In 2023 alone, there have already been 160,804 crashes in the first five months, with 1,371 of them fatal. Tampa roads aren’t quite as dangerous as Miami’s, but Interstate Highway 4 between Tampa and Daytona Beach is particularly dangerous.

In 2022, there were nearly 30,000 motor vehicle accidents in Hillsborough County, with 219 fatalities. An additional 20,000 people suffered injuries. This year, there have been 11,693 crashes so far, with 72 fatalities.

With so many drivers on the road, it’s important to take precautions to avoid a car accident. Here are five tips to help you stay safe while driving in Tampa, whether you are there for business or pleasure.

Avoid Distracted Driving

Driving While Distracted

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in Tampa. It’s important to keep your focus on the road while driving. Avoid using your phone and any other distractions while driving. If you need to make a call or send a text, pull over to a safe spot first.

Every time you take your eyes off the road, you lose focus on what’s happening around you. This happens even when you look down to change the station on your radio.

Follow the Speed Limit

As in many other areas of the US, speeding is a problem in Tampa, with driving above the speed limit a factor in around 30% of road traffic accidents. If a driver is speeding, it puts them (and you) at risk of a serious accident.

Speed limits are in place for a reason: to keep everyone safe. Be sure to follow the posted speed limit and slow down in areas where there is heavy traffic or construction.

Pay Attention to Other Road Users

Pedestrian Interactions

Take note of your surroundings while driving. Keep an eye out for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles on the road. Intersections can be dangerous, so look both ways before turning, even if you have the right of way. In 2020, there were 10,626 traffic fatalities involving intersection accidents nationwide.

Maintain Your Vehicle

Keeping your vehicle properly maintained is essential to avoiding accidents. Regularly check your brakes, tires, and headlights to ensure that they are working properly. If you notice any issues with your vehicle, be sure to have them fixed as soon as possible.

Follow the Rules of the Road

Following the rules of the road is crucial to avoiding accidents. This means stopping at stop signs, signaling when changing lanes, and yielding to other vehicles when necessary. Don’t assume that other drivers will follow the rules — always be prepared for the unexpected.

Follow the Rules of the Road

Avoiding car accidents in Tampa requires being a responsible driver. Follow these tips, maintain your vehicle, and always be aware of your surroundings. By taking these precautions, you can help keep yourself and others safe on the road.

Contact a Local Car Accident Lawyer in Tampa If You Are Injured

If you are injured in a car accident in Tampa, you could be entitled to compensation from the at-fault driver. An experienced car accident lawyer in Tampa can help you understand your rights and options under Florida’s no-fault rules. If you suffered a serious injury, they can help you explore additional avenues for recovering compensation.

Your lawyer can prove the driver was responsible for your crash (due to distracted driving, speeding, or another form of negligence). They can also work to maximize the value of your claim. Contact an experienced car accident attorney today for help with your legal claim.

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