If you’ve sustained an unexpected injury, you may be wondering whether you’re eligible to claim compensation. Although millions of people sustain injuries and are entitled to claim personal injury compensation each year, many miss out simply because they’re unaware of their rights.

To get an insight into what type of accidents can lead to successful compensation claims, take a look at these three common personal injury claims in St Petersburg:

1. Car Accident Claims

Personal Injury Lawyer

Last year, there were 15,680 collisions in Pinellas County and many of these will have resulted in personal injury claims. If you’ve been injured on the road and another driver caused the incident, a car accident attorney could help you obtain compensation for the harm you’ve suffered.

2. Slips, Trips and Falls

From slipping on a wet floor to tripping over loose cabling at work, there are endless ways that slip, trip and fall accidents can occur. What’s more – they can result in a wide range of injuries too. Often, people put a slip, trip or fall down to bad luck but, in reality, it’s likely that someone is liable for the incident, so why not seek legal advice and proceed with a personal injury claim?

3. Motorcycle Crash Claims

Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable road users, and they can sustain serious injuries if they’re involved in a collision. With 32 fatalities, 379 injures and 437 motorcycle crashes in Pinellas County last year, it’s easy to see why these accidents often result in personal injury compensation claims.

What Types of Personal Injury Cases Can a Lawyer Assist You With

From road traffic accident claims and slips, trips and falls to product liability, workplace accidents and wrongful death, there is a wide range of incidents that can give rise to compensation claims. However, finding the right lawyer is a critical step in the process of obtaining compensation. To get started, here are three things you should consider when hiring a personal injury lawyer:

1. Experience

Find out how much experience your attorney has in handling the type of claim you need to make. A lawyer may specialize in car accident claims but have less experience in product liability claims, for example.

2. Success

As well as finding out how experienced a personal injury lawyer is, be sure to ask how many claims they’ve successfully settled and how many cases they’ve litigated. This will give you an insight into how they handle their caseload and whether they will be able to achieve the same success with your claim.

3. Fees

Many people are wary of making a compensation claim because they assume it will be expensive to access legal help. However, choosing a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee basis will mean that there are no upfront fees to pay.

What Is the Difference Between a Personal Injury and a Catastrophic Injury

Claiming Compensation After an Accident

By taking action after an unexpected accident, you can protect your own liability and obtain compensation for the injuries and financial loss you’ve encountered.

Whether you’ve been unable to work and have lost income, you’re facing a large bill for medical treatment, or you’ve experienced pain and suffering in the aftermath of the incident, a trusted and experienced personal injury law firm like Lopez Law Group Accident Injury Attorneys will provide the advice, guidance and representation you need to claim the compensation you’re entitled to.

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