Sadly, accidents aren’t uncommon, and they can strike at any time. Whether you’re injured in a simple slip, trip or fall accident or you’re caught up in one of the 5,490 car crashes that happen in St Lucie County each year, you’ll want to know what actions you should take after an accident has happened.

Getting medical treatment is an obvious course of action, but what about legal advice? Although it isn’t essential to hire a personal injury attorney after an accident, there are many reasons why you should, such as:

1. Protecting Your Liability


The person responsible for the accident may not want to admit their liability and their insurance company may try and lay the blame at your feet in order to avoid paying out. Unless you have a personal injury lawyer to represent you, there’s a risk that you’ll be bulldozed by experienced insurance agents that are adept at persuading innocent parties to accept liability.

2. Proving Causation

Even if it seems fairly obvious who is responsible for your injuries, there are complex legal elements that must be satisfied before you’ll be able to obtain compensation. For example, you’ll need to show that the person you’re making a claim against breached their duty of care. Additionally, you’ll also need to prove that nothing broke the chain of causation, which could relieve them of their liability.

As you can see, even the most seemingly straightforward claims can quickly become complicated, which is why it’s advantageous to hire a personal injury lawyer after an accident in Florida.

3. Securing Relevant Evidence

personal injury lawyer

Collating evidence enables you to protect your liability, but it can also ensure that you get the compensation you deserve following an accident in Port St Lucie. However, knowing what evidence to collect and how to obtain it isn’t always easy.

When you’re working with a personal injury attorney in St Lucie, however, you can be confident that your lawyer will work diligently to obtain all of the evidence that’s relevant to your claim, thus giving you the best chance of success.

4. Calculating Personal Injury Damages

When you claim compensation after an accident in St Lucie, you’ll need to calculate damages so that a fair settlement can be negotiated. After all, medical debt is a primary cause of financial instability in Florida and you shouldn’t have to fund the cost of treatment due to injuries that weren’t your fault.

injury law

However, calculating damages isn’t straightforward, particularly when it comes to non-economic damages, such as emotional pain or loss of enjoyment. Fortunately, hiring a personal injury lawyer means you’ll have an expert on hand to calculate damages and negotiate on your behalf.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer after an accident in Port St. Lucie can enable you to secure compensation for your injuries, but it can also allow you to obtain a higher amount of compensation too. It’s important to be aware that there are strict time limits when it comes to making a personal injury claim, so why wait to obtain legal advice?

With expert assistance and legal support, you can make a hassle-free claim, protect your own liability and obtain the compensation you deserve after an accident in Florida.

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