Do you want to know if you can sue the dog’s owner that bit you?

Nobody thinks about getting bitten by a domestic dog. A dog bite can be one of the most painful experiences for anyone.

Finding out about getting bit by a dog might surprise you. When the owner is responsible for their dog, they’re equally responsible for your injuries. You can file a dog bite lawsuit if the incident hurts you.

Keep reading if you’d like to know how a dog bite lawsuit works.

Identify the Dog Owner


Determine who the owner of the dog is, as they are usually the party held responsible for the dog’s actions. Obtain contact information and any available insurance information from the owner.

Consult an Attorney

It’s advisable to consult a personal injury attorney experienced in dangerous dog bite cases. They can provide legal advice, assess the merits of your case, and guide you through the legal process. Their expertise can aid in determining the appropriate legal pathway based on your situation. If you’re unsure about how to proceed, you should contact this Riverside personal injury lawyer.


Your attorney will conduct an investigation to gather evidence, including medical records, photographs of dog injuries, witness statements, and any available surveillance footage. This evidence will help establish liability.

Determining Liability

Laws surrounding dog bite liability can vary. Some jurisdictions have strict liability laws, holding dog owners responsible for injuries caused by their dogs regardless of previous behavior. In other cases, liability might be based on negligence (failure to prevent the dog bite).

Negotiation and Settlement

In many cases, the parties involved may attempt to reach a settlement without going to court. This involves negotiations between your attorney and the dog owner’s legal representation or insurance company. You’ll receive compensation for releasing the dog owner from further liability if an agreement is reached.

Dog bite lawsuits

Filing a Lawsuit

Your attorney might advise you to file a lawsuit if a settlement cannot be reached. Your attorney will draft a complaint detailing your injuries, the circumstances of the dog bite, and the legal basis for your claim.


During this phase, both sides gather more information by exchanging documents, taking depositions (recorded statements under oath), and potentially seeking expert opinions to strengthen their respective cases.


Before the trial, either party might file motions to request specific actions from the court, such as dismissing certain evidence or claims. If the case goes to trial, both sides present their evidence, call witnesses, and argue before a judge or jury. The judge or jury will determine whether the dog owner is liable and, if so, the appropriate compensation.

Verdict and Appeals

After hearing all the evidence, the judge or jury will decide. If you win, you’ll receive compensation. The losing party may be able to appeal the decision, which could lead to a higher court reviewing the case.

Not All Dog Bites Call for a Lawsuit

Unraveling the Story of a Dog Bite Lawsuit

In short, a dog bite lawsuit works by helping the victim receive compensation for their damages. It is important to remember that dog owners are responsible for their pet’s actions and potentially liable for any damages incurred.

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, reach out to a qualified personal injury attorney to help pursue your claim.

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