Ah, summer! We all enjoy the gentle caress of a cool breeze on a scorching day, don’t we? But not everyone is a fan of bulky, traditional air conditioners.

They take up a lot of space and can be hard to fit in some homes. Enter the solution: High velocity air conditioning.

But how to install high velocity air conditioning? Well, we’re about to dive deep into the process. Ready to transform your living space? Let’s get started!

Table Of Contents

Assessing Your Home’s Suitability

High Velocity Air Conditioning

Checking Existing Ductwork and Layout

Measure Spaces

High-velocity tubes are smaller than regular ducts. They are usually about 2 inches wide. Make sure you have enough space in walls, floors, or ceilings to fit these.

Check for Obstacles

Look for things that can be in the way. This includes wires, pipes, or beams. You’ll need to work around them.

Identifying Areas for High-Velocity Installation

Hot Spot

Think about the places in your home that get really hot. These are the areas you’ll want to cool down first. For example, rooms with big windows or the top floor will be hotter than others.

Plan the Vents

These are the places where cool air will come out. You want them to be spread out in the home. This way, the whole house can be cool. A good rule is to have at least one vent in each room.

Locate the Unit

The main part of the high-velocity system is called the “air handler.” It’s a bit like the engine of the system.

You need to find a spot for it. This is usually in a basement, attic, or closet. Make sure it’s easy to reach in case you need to fix or check on it.

Think of the Noise

Even though high-velocity systems are quiet, there’s still some noise. It’s a good idea to place the vents and units in places where the noise won’t bother you.

Gathering Necessary Tools and Materials

Advantages Of High Velocity Air Conditioning

List of Required Tools and Equipment

  • Tape Measure
  • Utility Knife
  • Drill and Drill Bits
  • Screws and Fasteners
  • Ladder
  • Gloves
  • Level
  • Pliers and Wrench Set
  • Staple Gun or Cable Ties
  • Flashlight or Headlamp

Components Needed for High-Velocity System

  1. Air Handler Unit
  2. Small Diameter, Flexible Ducts
  3. High-Velocity Outlets
  4. Return Air Grille
  5. Sound Attenuators
  6. Condensate Drain Pan
  7. Condensing Unit
  8. Refrigerant Lines
  9. High-Velocity Air Handler
  10. Unicoil (if applicable)
  11. Thermostat
  12. Electrical Wiring and Connectors
  13. Air Filter
  14. Mounting Brackets
  15. High-Velocity Tubing

Sizing and Designing the System

Drawbacks Of High Velocity Air Conditioning

Calculating Cooling Load and Air Distribution Needs

  • Measure your home’s size. Think of how many rooms you have and how big they are.
  • Think about things that make your home hot. Do you have many windows? Are they big? Does the sun shine on them a lot?
  • Consider how many people live in your home. More people mean more body heat.
  • Use all this information to find out the right size for your air conditioner. Sometimes, it’s good to ask an expert for help with this.

Designing Ductwork Layout for Optimal Performance

The tubes that carry cool air are called “ducts.” Placing them right is important. It’s like planning roads in a city. You want to make sure every place gets what it needs.

Here’s a guide:

  • Each room should have at least one vent. This is where the cool air will come out.
  • Plan the path of the tubes. They should go from the main unit to each room. Try to make the paths as short and straight as possible.
  • Think about where the tubes will go. Can they fit inside walls? Or below the floors? Pick the best spots.
  • The main unit will be in a central place. This helps in sending cool air everywhere easily.
  • Make sure the tubes are not squeezed or bent too much. This can stop the air flow.

Preparing for Installation

Role Of Coolant In Air Conditioning

Clearing Workspaces and Safety Considerations

Make sure your workspace is clean and open. Move any furniture or objects out of the way. Always think about safety. Wear gloves and safety glasses. Make sure you can see clearly.

Shutting Off Power

Power can be dangerous. Before you start, turn off the power. Find the right switch in your home’s electrical panel. Turn it off. This way, you won’t get shocked.

Securing Necessary Permits

Sometimes you need a permit to install air conditioning. Check with your local office to see if you need one. It’s best to check before you start.

Installing High-Velocity Ducts

Steps to Install Small-Diameter, Flexible Ducts

Begin with Planning

First, plan where your ducts will go. Think about the best path to take from the main unit to each room.


Use a tape measure to check the distance. This helps you know how much duct you’ll need.

Secure the Ducts

Use straps or clips to hold the ducts in place. Make sure they’re tight, but don’t crush the ducts.


If the duct is too long, use a sharp knife to cut it. Make sure your cuts are straight.


how air conditioning works

Push the duct ends onto the outlets of the main unit or other ducts. Seal them with duct tape or clamps so no air leaks out.

Connecting Supply and Return Air Ducts

Supply Duct

These are the ducts that bring cool air into rooms. Connect them to the outlets on your main unit.

Return Ducts

These ducts take used air back to the main unit. Make sure they have a clear path back.

Seal the Connections

Where the ducts connect to the main unit or other ducts, make sure there are no gaps. Use duct tape or special seals. This stops air from leaking and makes your system work better.


When everything’s connected, turn the system on for a short time. Listen and feel for any air leaks. Turn off the system and seal them, if you find any.

Mounting Air Handler and Outlets

Placing and Securing the Air Handler Unit


Pick a spot for the air handler. It will be out of the way but easy to reach for repairs or check-ups.


Use brackets or a platform to hold the air handler. Make sure it’s level and stable. Then, secure it with screws or bolts.

Installing High-Velocity Air Outlets

Choose Spots

Decide where the air will come into the room. High up or near the floor? Think about where it’ll feel best.

Drill Holes

Using a drill, make holes for the outlets. Make sure they’re the right size.

Attach Outlets

Push the outlets into the holes. Secure them with screws. They should fit tight, with no gaps.


Once attached, make sure air flows well from each outlet. Adjust if needed.

Wiring and Electrical Connections

High Velocity Air Conditioning

Connecting Power Supply To The Air Handler

  • Turn Off Power: Always shut off power at the main electrical panel first.
  • Find Wiring Box: Look for the electrical box on the air handler.
  • Wire Matching: Connect black to black, white to white, and green to green using wire nuts.
  • Secure and Check: Close the box, ensuring no exposed wires. Turn on power to test the air handler.

Wiring The Thermostat And Control Panel

  • Pick a Location: Choose a spot away from direct sunlight and drafts for accurate thermostat readings.
  • Run Wires: Extend thermostat wires from the air handler to the chosen spot.
  • Wire Connection: Match wires to labeled terminals on the thermostat (e.g., “R,” “W,” “Y”).
  • Secure Thermostat: Attach it to the wall using provided screws and anchors.
  • Test Setup: Turn on, set a temperature, and check if the system responds correctly.

Testing and Balancing

Turning On The System And Checking For Air Leaks

Power On

With everything in place, turn on the air conditioning system.

Listen and Feel

Walk around the rooms where the outlets are located. Listen for any unusual noises. Use your hand to feel around the duct connections and outlets. Air escaping means there’s a leak.

Fixing Leaks

Turn off the system, if you find leaks. Use a duct sealant or metal tape to seal these areas. Avoid using regular duct tape as it does not hold up over time.

Balancing Air Distribution Using Dampers

Identify Rooms

First, decide which rooms feel too cool or not cool enough.

Locate Dampers

Dampers look like little handles or knobs on the ductwork. They control the airflow.

Adjusting Dampers

Close the damper slightly to reduce airflow, if a room is too cool . Open the damper more, if a room isn’t cool enough.

Test and Adjust Again

After making changes, let the system run for a while. Check the room temperatures. It takes a few tries to get the balance right.

Label Dampers

Once you’re satisfied, it’s a good idea to label dampers. Write down which room they control and the ideal position. This can be helpful for future adjustments.

Adding Insulation and Sealing

How Does Air Conditioning Work

Insulating Ducts To Prevent Energy Loss

  • Pick Insulation: Opt for foil-faced fiberglass insulation tailored for ducts.
  • Wrap Ducts: Start at one end, wrapping insulation with foil side facing outward.
  • Seal Tight: Use foil tape on insulation ends and seams.
  • Inspect: Ensure no gaps or exposed duct areas to prevent air loss.

Sealing Joints And Connections For Efficiency

  • Inspect ductwork for gaps, holes, or loose parts.
  • Use mastic sealant for gaps or metal tape for durability.
  • Ensure all duct connections are sealed properly.
  • Turn on the system, listening and feeling for any air leaks. Seal as needed.

Final Checks and Safety Measures

Verifying Proper System Functioning

Turn On the System

Begin by turning on your air conditioning system and letting it run for a short period.

Listen for Noises

Strange sounds can be indicators of problems. Whistling suggests air leaks while banging or clanging indicate loose parts.

Feel the Airflow

Check all outlets to ensure that cool air is flowing. You will need to revisit balancing with the dampers if some rooms seem cooler than others,

Check the Thermostat

Set a specific temperature and see if the system can reach and maintain it.

Monitor for Any Issues

Over the next few days, pay attention to any changes or potential problems. This includes water leaks, inconsistent cooling, or unusual noises.

Ensuring Compliance With Safety Standards

Check Electrical Connections

Ensure all electrical connections are secure. Loose wires can be a fire hazard. Consider getting a professional to double-check if unsure.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

The system needs adequate ventilation to prevent overheating. Make sure nothing obstructs the air handler or other components.

Inspect Ducts

Ensure that your ducts are well-sealed and insulated, preventing condensation which can lead to mold growth.

Keep Areas Clear

Ensure that the areas around all parts of the system, especially the air handler, are free from clutter. This prevents fire risks and allows the system to work efficiently.

Carbon Monoxide Detector

If your high-velocity system is combined with a heating system, it’s essential to have a carbon monoxide detector installed. This will alert you to any dangerous gas leaks.

Professional Assistance and Troubleshooting

Velocity Air Conditioning

Knowing When To Seek Professional Help

  • Electrical Concerns: Consult pros if unsure about wiring; wrong connections risk fires or system damage.
  • Odd Sounds: Grinding, banging, or unusual vibrations warrant expert attention.
  • Water Issues: Regular condensation is okay, but major leaks need a pro’s look.
  • Repeated Problems: Frequent same-issue fixes suggest deeper problems; consider professional help.

Addressing Common Installation Issues

System Doesn’t Start

First, check the power supply and ensure all switches are turned on. Examine the circuit breaker to see if it has tripped.

Weak Airflow

Check for obstructions in the ducts, if the airflow feels weak. It also indicates a need for balancing using the dampers.

Rooms Not Cooling Evenly

This often relates to damper settings. Adjust them to balance the airflow.

Ensure there aren’t air leaks in specific duct sections if the problem persists,

Thermostat Issues

Ensure that wires connect to the correct terminals and there’s no damage.

Strange Odors

New systems can have a “burning” smell initially, which should go away. Persistent odors suggest issues like mold in the ducts or electrical problems.


1. Is Professional Assistance Necessary for High-Velocity Air Conditioning Installation?

Yes, professional assistance is recommended for high-velocity air conditioning installation to ensure proper system performance, efficiency, and adherence to local building codes.

2. Are there Specific Safety Considerations?

Yes, considerations include electrical hazards, refrigerant handling, system pressure, equipment placement, and local building codes compliance.

install high velocity air conditioning


As the sun sets on our guide, we’ve unraveled the mysteries of how to install high velocity air conditioning. No longer do you need to fret about bulky systems or inefficient cooling.

With the right steps and a bit of patience, you can enjoy a home that’s both cool and elegant.

Remember, the key is understanding your space and ensuring proper installation.

High velocity air conditioning is truly a game-changer, ensuring you and your family remain comfortable all summer long. Here’s to cooler, more enjoyable days ahead!

Did you find this article helpful? You can also explore high-velocity air conditioning vs. central air conditioning is critical.

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