If you run a business in an industry that requires foot traffic, one mistake you do not want to make is ignoring in-store signage.

While you may have invested in digital marketing and a website, people are more likely to notice physical signs. Moreover, they tend to perform better than ads on your website.

Creating an effective sign for your business can propel it forward and ensure you do not lose customers. Or you could make some common mistakes that can hold the progress back.

Here are some common in-store signage mistakes you need to look out for.

1. Unorganized Signage Placement


Unorganized signage placement can be one of the most common mistakes made in stores. The easiest way to avoid this issue is to plan out the placement of signage before beginning the project. This plan should include everything from deciding where each sign will be placed to the size and approach of each piece.

When creating the plan, it is important to consider the impact of sign placement on customer circulation, ease of viewing, and the overall store experience.

Additionally, the staff should be mindful when placing the signage to ensure that it does not block other visual merchandising opportunities or prevent shoppers from seeing featured items. Taking the time to plan out signage placement upfront can prevent an unorganized look and save time in the long run.

2. Wrong Signage Format Selection

The wrong type of signage can cause the information on the sign to be overlooked or disregarded due to its presentation. It is important to select the proper Signage Format to ensure the information given is seen and communicated correctly.

To avoid this mistake, businesses should select a Signage Format that best fits their needs. For example, if the sign requires a lengthy description, then a Roll-up Banner is the better option. When the sign’s purpose is for decoration and promotion, then a Window Cling or Poster would be the ideal option.

3. Unreadable Signage Content

Poorly formatted text, small font sizes, and too much text can all cause signage to be difficult or impossible to read. Harsh lighting or low contrast between text and background. Or even a color combination not visible to individuals with color blindness are another common mistake that can impair readability.

To avoid unreadable signage content, format text with an easily legible font, use appropriate sizing, keep the text concise, avoid harsh lighting with low contrast, and pick a color combination accessible to your entire audience.

It’s also important to ensure signs are not obstructed by products or clutter and are placed where customers can easily view them. By avoiding these common pitfalls, store owners can ensure their signage is always readable and effective.

4. Lack of Signage Production Quality

Low quality production, like using inexpensive paper, can contribute to inadequate signage. To avoid these common mistakes, invest in quality materials. Use fonts for signage that are easy to read and print signs in a higher resolution so they can be seen.

Tips to Make Your Store Signage Stand Out

When selecting an in-store signage printer, ensure they can produce high-quality signs. Additionally, invest in higher quality paper or card stock and increase the font size to ensure customers can read the signs.

Make sure that any photos printed on the signs are of enough in-store signage size and quality and that any text is easily legible. By reducing common mistakes related to the lack of quality production, businesses can ensure their in-store signage can convey their message clearly and effectively.

5. Poorly Designed

Poorly designed signage can also significantly impact whether the content is confusing or irrelevant. Common mistranslations, misplaced text, too much clutter, and poor graphics can damage the brand. This can take away from the in-store experience, resulting in irritated customers.

To avoid these, it is important to focus on branding, readability, and quality of content. Store owners should focus on creating clear messages. While also using consistency and recognizable branding with signage.

Focus on quality graphics with easy-to-read fonts and a minimalist style. This will keep the message straightforward and help customers identify the brand. You can get help from this site for a digital lobby signage design.

It is important to keep signage up-to-date and remove any outdated or irrelevant content. Avoid these mistakes to streamline the shopping experience and increase customer loyalty.

6. Using Inappropriate Material

When it comes to selecting the appropriate material for in-store signage, mistakes can easily occur. One major mistake is using the wrong material for the environment. For instance, if a store has a lot of natural lighting, it’s a bad idea to choose vinyl because it can easily fade and warp.

In a high-traffic environment, cardboard signage is also not a good choice. Instead, acrylic is a much better choice for longevity and clarity. Additionally, opting for an illegible font or a font too small can be a major issue.

Take time to choose a font that works for the in-store signage size and will be easily read from a distance. Lastly, using too many colors can be another mistake. Stick to 1-2 colors that coordinate with the store’s design but won’t overpower the signage.

7. Too Much Information

Too much information can lead to confusion, as customers become overwhelmed by the number of signs, making it difficult to know what to look for. Too much information can also lead to an unappealing storefront and make the store look cluttered and disorganized.

To avoid this, store owners should narrow the focus of their signage. Keep each sign to one clear message and include fewer graphics to avoid overloading the customer.

8. Miscalculated Angles


Miscalculating angles when installing images or signs on walls. Incorrectly positioning signs at an inappropriate angle can lead to an unprofessional and disorganized store appearance.

Employees should use a level for every signage installation to avoid these mistakes to ensure the correct angles are achieved. Measurements of the required distance between fixtures and signage can achieve the desired effect.

Avoid These In-store Signage Mistakes

Common in-store signage mistakes can cause harm to a business. But by following best practices such as having clear, concise, and consistent messaging, effects can be minimized.

Make sure not to fall victim to these mistakes by always having an experienced team to oversee your in-store signage projects and design. For more tips on optimizing in-store signage, contact an experienced professional today!

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