Must-Know Facts Of Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is a vital component of modern life, providing relief from scorching summers and creating comfortable indoor environments. However, there are several important aspects of air conditioning that homeowners should be aware of to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Get ready to learn some must-know facts that can make your summer days more enjoyable. Keep reading!

Air Conditioning- Things To Know

How Air Conditioning Works

How Air Conditioning Works

Air conditioning systems work by extracting heat from indoor spaces and expelling it outside, creating a cooler environment. They accomplish this through a cycle of evaporation, compression, and condensation.

Air conditioning involves compressing refrigerant gas, which increases its temperature. The hot gas passes through a condenser, releasing heat and becoming a liquid. This liquid refrigerant then goes through an expansion valve, lowering its pressure and temperature. As it evaporates in the evaporator coil, it absorbs heat from the air, cooling it. Finally, a fan distributes the cool air throughout the space.

Does Air Conditioning Dehumidify?

Air conditioning does dehumidify the air to some extent. As warm air passes through the evaporator coil, the moisture in the air condenses on the cold coil surface. This condensation helps reduce the humidity levels in the indoor environment, making it more comfortable.

However, the primary function of air conditioning is to cool the air, and the dehumidification capabilities of air conditioners may vary depending on factors such as the system’s size and efficiency.

What Should Humidity Be In A House With Air Conditioning?

Ideally, the humidity level in a house with air conditioning should range between 30% and 50%. This range ensures a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Higher humidity levels can make the air feel sticky and uncomfortable, while excessive dryness can cause issues like dry skin and respiratory problems.

To maintain optimal humidity levels, some air conditioning systems are equipped with humidity control features that help regulate moisture levels.

Does Coolant Affect Air Conditioning?

Yes, refrigerant, also known as coolant plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of air conditioning systems. Refrigerants are responsible for absorbing heat from the indoor air and releasing it outside.

Low coolant levels can lead to reduced cooling capacity and inefficient operation of the air conditioning unit. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the refrigerant levels are regularly checked and maintained by a professional HVAC technician.

Does Home Air Conditioning Use Gas?

Air Conditioning Use Gas

Most home air conditioning systems do not use gas as a fuel source. Instead, they rely on electricity to power the compressor and other components.

However, it’s worth noting that some larger commercial or industrial air conditioning systems may utilize gas as a fuel source for heating or as a component in the cooling process. For residential purposes, electrical air conditioning systems are the norm.

How Much Does Air Conditioning Cost Per Month?

The cost of air conditioning per month depends on several factors, including the size of the space being cooled, the energy efficiency of the system, and the local electricity rates.

On average, the monthly cost of running an air conditioning unit can range from $50 to $150. Energy-efficient systems, regular maintenance, and smart temperature management can help reduce monthly cooling costs.

How To Save Money On Air Conditioning?

calculating money

To save money on air conditioning, there are several steps homeowners can take.

Firstly, optimizing insulation and sealing any air leaks in the house can prevent cool air from escaping and reduce the workload on the air conditioning system. Additionally, using programmable thermostats allows for better temperature control and energy management. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing air filters, can also enhance the system’s efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

How Long Do Air Conditioning Units Last?

The lifespan of an air conditioning unit can vary depending on factors such as usage, maintenance, and the quality of the unit. On average, a well-maintained air conditioning system can last between 12 and 15 years.

However, with proper care and regular servicing, some units can even surpass this lifespan. Regular inspections and timely repairs can extend the longevity of the system and ensure optimal performance.

Is Air Conditioning Bad For The Environment?

Is Air Conditioning Bad For The Environment

Air conditioning systems can have an environmental impact due to their energy consumption and the release of greenhouse gases. The electricity required to power air conditioning units often comes from fossil fuel sources, contributing to carbon emissions and global warming.

However, advancements in technology have led to the development of more energy-efficient systems, such as those with higher SEER ratings. Additionally, Air Condition systems with lower environmental impact refrigerants such as hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), are being introduced to replace older refrigerants with higher global warming potential.

Do Air Conditioning Units Use Water

Fixing Air Conditioner Problems

Air conditioners keep us cool in hot weather. But, do they use water? Some people might think so, but it’s not really true. 

Most air conditioners don’t use water to cool the air. Instead, they have a special liquid called refrigerant. This liquid helps take away the heat from the room. It makes the room cool.

But, sometimes you see water dripping from an air conditioner, right? This water comes from the air. When the air gets cold, it can’t hold as much moisture. 

The extra moisture turns into water drops. This is not the water used by the air conditioner to cool the air. It’s just water from the air. 

So, air conditioners don’t use water to cool. They just deal with water that’s already in the air.

High Velocity Air Conditioning Cost

counting money

High-velocity air conditioning is a type of cooling system. It cools the air in your home quickly. This system uses small tubes. 

The tubes fit into tight spaces. High-velocity units are great for older homes without much room. But, they can cost more to install.

The cost of high velocity air conditioner depends on many things like the size of your home and the type of unit you choose. It can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000 or more. 

The price will also include other things like labor. You should ask a pro to get the exact price for your home.

How To Install High-Velocity Air Conditioning

Installing high-velocity air conditioning is a good way to cool your home. It’s different from standard AC systems. First, make a plan. Know where the air handler and ducts will go.

Next, get the right tools. You need screws, a drill, and other basic tools. You also need safety gear like gloves and goggles.

Third, put the air handler in place. This is the main unit. Make sure it’s secure and level. Connect it to your home’s power.

Fourth, install the ducts. These are smaller and more flexible than standard ducts. They fit easily in walls and ceilings. Attach them to the air handler. Make sure they reach all the rooms you want to cool.

Fifth, add outlets in each room. These let the cool air come in. They’re usually round and about 2 inches wide.

Sixth, connect everything to a thermostat. This controls the temperature.

Last, test the system. Turn it on and make sure it cools every room. If not, check your connections.

After all these high velocity air conditioning installation steps, you’ll have cool air in your home. The whole job takes about 1 to 3 days if you know what you’re doing. If not, it’s okay to ask for professional help.

High-Velocity Air Conditioning Vs Mini Split

When you want to cool your home, you have choices. Two popular options are High-Velocity Air Conditioning and Mini Split systems. Let’s break down the facts.

High-velocity air conditioners use small, flexible tubes to push cold air into rooms. This system fits well in older homes. It’s good at cooling down rooms fast. 

But it can be noisy and cost a lot to install. You may pay $8,000 to $15,000 for a full system.

On the other hand, Mini Splits are quiet and energy-efficient. They have two parts: an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. 

You can control the temperature in each room. That saves energy and money. A single-room unit costs around $2,000 to $3,000.

So, what’s best for you? Well, High-velocity air conditioners are a strong pick if you have an older home and want fast cooling. But if you want to save money over time and like quiet, go for a Mini Split.

To sum it up, High-velocity air conditioners cool fast but can be noisy and pricey. Mini Splits are quiet, cost less over time, and let you control each room’s temperature. Choose the one that fits your needs best.

High-Velocity Air Conditioning Pros And Cons

High-velocity air conditioning cools your home fast. It uses small, flexible tubes instead of big, rigid ducts. This makes it easier to fit into older homes or tight spaces. The system is quiet too. You won’t even know it’s on.

But it costs more. You might spend 20% to 25% more to install it. Some people don’t like the look of the small vents in the walls or ceiling. 

Also, the fast air can feel drafty. This can make you feel colder than you like, even when the room is at the right temperature.

You also need to clean the filters often. Otherwise, dirt can slow down the system. Then it won’t cool your house as well. But if you keep it clean, it will work great.

High-velocity air conditioning cools fast and fits in tight spaces. It’s good for older homes. But it can cost more and feel drafty.

Considering the pros and cons of high-velocity air conditioning, we can conclude that if you have the budget and prioritize rapid cooling, this system is suitable for you. However, if you aim to save money, it’s worth exploring other options.

High-Velocity Air Conditioning Vs Central Air

Understanding Central Air Conditioning

Central Air is more common. It uses big tubes called ducts to send cool air all over the house. Think of it like a gentle breeze that keeps the whole house nice and cool. Here’s what to know:

  • Cool Air Everywhere: It cools down all the rooms in the house.
  • Needs Space: The big ducts need more room, so it might not fit in older houses.
  • Costs Less: Often, it costs less than High-Velocity Air Conditioning.

Now, what makes high velocity air conditioning & central air different? Think of High-Velocity like a strong wind and Central Air like a gentle breeze.

  • Speed: High-Velocity cools things down fast. Central Air takes more time.
  • Size: High-Velocity uses small tubes. Central Air uses big ducts.
  • Price: High-Velocity might cost more. Central Air often costs less.

So, if you live in an older house or need to cool down fast, High-Velocity might be good. If you want to cool the whole house and save money, Central Air might be better.

Central Air Conditioning Vs Split System

Central air and split systems both cool your home, but they work in different ways. Central air uses one big unit outside. This unit cools air and sends it through ducts to every room. 

It’s good for cooling your whole house at once. You need ducts in the walls for it to work. Also, central air can cost more to install. 

But once it’s in, it’s easy to use. You control it with one thermostat.

Split systems have two parts: an inside unit and an outside unit. Each room can have its own inside unit. This lets you cool only the rooms you use. It’s easier to install because you don’t need ducts. 

But, you have to control each unit separately. That can be more work. Also, if you have many rooms, you’ll need many units. That can take up wall space.

Here are some quick facts:

  • Central air cools the whole house. Split systems cool one room at a time.
  • Central air needs ducts. Split systems don’t.
  • Central air is controlled by one thermostat. Split systems need a control for each room.

So, if you want to cool your whole house and don’t mind installing ducts, go for central air. If you only want to cool a few rooms and save wall space, a split system may work better for you.

Types Of Central Air Conditioning System

central air AC

Central air conditioning keeps your home cool and comfy. There are two main types: split systems and packaged systems.

Split Systems:

The big box called the condenser sits outside your home. Another part, the air handler, is inside. The condenser cools the air, and the air handler pushes it into your house. Most homes have this type.

Packaged Systems:

In this type, everything is in one big box. This box is usually outside. It cools the air and sends it inside through ducts.

Split systems are better for big homes. They work well and use less energy. But, they cost more. A packaged system might be a good fit if your house is small. It’s less expensive and easier to install.

Both types can last for about 15 years. The cost to run them is about 50 cents per hour. Keep the system clean and it will work well. Change the air filter every 1 to 3 months.

So, if you have a big home and want to save on energy, go for a split system. 

And pick a packaged system if your home is small and you want to spend less money upfront. Either way, you’ll keep your home cool.

Central Air vs. Air Conditioning

Central air and window air conditioners both help keep your home cool, but they work in different ways. Central air cools your whole home at once. A big machine outside pushes cool air through vents in each room.

It’s great for big houses and can save you money if you want to cool many rooms. But it costs more to install, usually between $3,000 and $7,000.

Window air conditioners cool just one room. You put the small machine in a window, and it makes that room cooler. 

These are good for small homes or if you only want to cool one or two rooms. They are easier to set up and cost less, often around $200 to $600.

Central air is a better choice if you want to cool your whole home. But if you only need to cool one room, a window unit works well and costs less. 

Both options will increase your electric bill, but central air usually uses more energy. So, if you want to save on your bills, window units might be the better pick. 

Both types need regular cleaning, but central air also needs more checks by pros. Keep this in mind as you pick the best way to stay cool.

How Long Does A Central Air Conditioning Unit Last

A central air conditioning unit usually lasts 15 to 20 years. If you take good care of it, you might get even more time. The key to a long life is regular upkeep. Here are some tips:

  • Change the air filter every 1 to 3 months. A clean filter helps the unit run well.
  • Clean the outside unit. Leaves and dirt can block airflow.
  • Get a pro to check your unit once a year. They can spot problems before they get big.

After 10 years, start saving for a new unit. New units work better and save you money on power bills. 

Keep an eye on how well the unit cools your home. If rooms stay hot or the unit runs a lot, it may be getting old.

But if your unit is near the ocean, it won’t last as long. Salt in the air hurts metal parts. You may have to replace it sooner if you skip regular care.

So, if you want to make your unit last, regular care is a must. But even with the best care, be ready to buy a new one after 20 years.

Ideal Temperature For Central Air Conditioning

When it comes to keeping your home comfy, the central air conditioner is your best friend. But what’s the ideal temperature to set it at? Experts agree: that 78 degrees Fahrenheit is the magic number. 

This temp keeps you cool without making your energy bill sky high. In fact, for every degree above 78, you save up to 8% on cooling costs.

But remember, your comfort is key. If 78 feels too warm, it’s okay to go lower. When you’re not home, bump the temp up to 85 degrees. 

This saves money and energy. But if you have pets, don’t go above 85 to keep them safe and comfy.

Why is 78 so great? At this temp, the air feels cool but not cold. Your AC works less, so it lasts longer. Plus, it’s good for the planet. 

You can use fans to move air around if you find 78 too warm. Fans make the room feel 4 degrees cooler! Also, close blinds to keep out the hot sun.

So, if you want to stay cool and save money, start at 78 degrees. Then, adjust as needed. It’s that easy.

How To Install Central Air Conditioning

Installing central air

Installing central air conditioning makes your home cool and comfy. Here are the steps in simple terms:

  • Pick the Right Unit: First, know the size of your home in square feet. Bigger homes need stronger units. Talk to experts for advice.
  • Tools and Permits: Gather all tools. Screwdrivers, drills, and safety gear are a must. Also, get the required permits from your local office.
  • Turn Off Power: Safety first. Turn off all electricity to the spot where you will install the unit.
  • Place the Condenser: Put the outdoor unit, or condenser, on a concrete pad in your yard. Make sure it’s level.
  • Install Air Handler: This goes inside your home. It often replaces your old furnace in the same spot.
  • Connect Units: Use copper tubes to link the outdoor and indoor units. Seal the tubes well.
  • Electrical Work: Wire up the units. This part is tricky. If you’re not sure, get a pro to do it.
  • Install Ducts: If your home has no ducts, you’ll need to put these in. They carry the cold air through the house.
  • Test: Turn the power back on. Run the unit for some hours to see if cold air comes out.
  • Final Check: Make sure there are no odd noises or leaks. If everything seems good, you’re all set!

Remember, if any of this sounds too hard, hire a professional. Safety and quality come first.

What Are The Components Of A Home Air Conditioning System

A home air conditioner has a few main components. Let’s talk about them in simple words:

Outside Unit

This is the big box you see outside your home. It helps push the heat from inside your house to the outside. This makes the inside of your home cooler.

Inside Unit

This is often in a closet or attic. It has a special part called a coil. This coil gets cold. When air from your house blows over it, the air gets cold too. Then, this cold air goes into your rooms.


This is like a small control box on your wall. You set the temperature you want here. If your home gets too hot, the thermostat tells the air conditioner to start. If it’s cool enough, it tells it to stop.


These are like tunnels in your walls, floors, and ceilings. They carry the cold (or warm) air to all parts of your home.


This is a special liquid inside the air conditioner. It moves between the outside and inside units. It helps take the heat from inside and send it outside.


There are fans in both the inside and outside units. They help move the air around.

Remember, an air conditioner’s job is to take heat from inside your home and send it outside. This helps keep your home cool and comfortable.

Common Ac Issues & Their Solutions

Air Conditioner Leaking Water Inside

Person checking Air Conditioner

If your air conditioner is leaking water inside, don’t worry! Fixing it can be easy. First, turn off the air conditioner to keep things safe. Check the drain pan and pipe. 

If they’re clogged, water can back up and leak. Clean out any dirt or blockages.

Next, look at the air filter. If it’s dirty, the water can freeze and then melt, causing a leak. Change the filter if you need to.

Also, check the insulation around the cooling coils. If it’s worn out, it can cause water to drip. Fixing this might need some help from a grown-up.

Finally, make sure your air conditioner is level. If it’s tilted, water can leak out of the wrong place. You might need to move it a little bit to make it straight.

Remember, if these steps don’t work, it might be good to call someone who fixes air conditioners. They know just what to do!

Air Conditioner Freeze Up

When it’s hot outside, you want your air conditioner to work just right. But sometimes it might freeze up. This is like when ice forms on the cold parts. This can happen for a few simple reasons. 

If there’s not enough air flowing through, it can get too cold and freeze. If the part that cools the air is dirty, it can make ice form, too. Another reason might be if you’re using the wrong kind of refrigerant. 

That’s the stuff that helps make the air cold. If you use the wrong kind, it might not work right. Also, if it’s too cold outside, the air conditioner might not know how to handle it, and it might freeze. 

So, to keep your air conditioner from freezing up, you want to make sure the parts are clean, and you’re using it the right way. If something goes wrong, you might want to ask a professional to take a look.

What Causes Central Air Conditioning To Freeze Up

Your central air conditioner can freeze up for a few reasons. One big reason is low airflow. When air can’t flow well, the cold coil gets too cold. 

It can freeze the moisture in the air. Dirty air filters often cause this. A quick fix is to change the air filter.

Low refrigerant is another reason. It makes the system work too hard and can lead to freezing. You’ll need a pro to fix this. And if you find ice on the unit, turn it off and call for help.

Also, check the thermostat. Setting it too low can cause problems. Try not to go below 70 degrees.

Sometimes, the issue is with the fan. If the fan is slow or stops, the coil can get too cold and freeze. A trained person can fix this.

Lastly, if you run the AC when it’s cool outside, like under 60 degrees, it can freeze. It’s better to use it when it’s hot.

So, if your AC freezes, look at the air filter, refrigerant level, thermostat, and fan. Also, think about the weather. 

Fixing these things can solve the problem most of the time. Call a pro for help if you can’t fix it.

Air Conditioner Not Blowing Cold Air

Ac not blowing cold air

Your air conditioner has filters, and sometimes these filters get dirty. When that happens, air can’t move through them, and the system can’t cool the air. You might need to clean or change the filters.

Another reason could be that something is wrong with the thermostat. If it’s not set to the right temperature, the air conditioner won’t know to blow cold air. Check to see if the thermostat is working right.

Sometimes, there’s not enough coolant in the air conditioner. Coolant is like the juice that makes the air cold. If there’s not enough, the air won’t get cold. You might need a professional to check this for you.

Lastly, if the fans are not working, the air won’t blow at all. The fans need to be in good shape for the system to work. If they are broken, you will need to fix them.

So, check the filters, thermostat, coolant, and fans if your air conditioner is not blowing cold air

You might find the problem, or you might need to call someone who knows about air conditioners to help you. It’s important to stay cool, so you’ll want to fix it as soon as you can!

Air Conditioner Turn Off By Itself

Why does your air conditioner turn off by itself? This can happen for a few simple reasons. First, the thermostat might be set wrong. 

If it reaches the temperature you set, the air conditioner will turn off. Second, the air filter could be dirty. 

A dirty filter makes the air conditioner work too hard, and then it turns off to protect itself. Third, there could be a problem with the electrical parts. Wires might be loose, or something might be broken. 

Lastly, the system might just be old and need some new parts or a check-up from a pro. Any of these problems can make the air conditioner turn off when you don’t want it to. 

It’s usually a good idea to call a trained person who knows about air conditioners to find out what’s wrong and fix it.

Getting Rid Of Bad Smell From Air Conditioners

Bad Smell From Air Conditioners

When your air conditioner starts to smell bad, it can be a real bother. But don’t worry, fixing it can be simple. First, turn off the air conditioner. Then, check the filter. 

If it’s dirty, change it to a new one. Filters trap dust and dirt, and when they get too dirty, they can smell.

Next, clean the coils and the drain pan. You can find these parts inside your air conditioner. You may use a soft brush or cloth with mild soap and water. Make sure to be gentle so you don’t break anything.

Sometimes, the bad smell comes from mold or mildew. If you find any, use a spray that kills mold. You can find this spray at most stores.

If these steps don’t fix the smell, it might be time to call a professional. They know all about air conditioners and can find the problem fast.

Remember, taking care of your air conditioner by cleaning it often can keep it smelling nice. It’s a good habit that can save you trouble in the long run.


Understanding the fundamentals of air conditioning is essential for homeowners to make informed decisions about their cooling systems. Knowing how air conditioning works, its dehumidification capabilities, recommended humidity levels, the significance of coolant, and energy-saving strategies can help create comfortable living spaces while minimizing environmental impact.

By staying informed and implementing energy-efficient practices, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of air conditioning while reducing costs and contributing to a greener future.