A business can be characterized by a variety of characteristics, including the delivery of high-quality goods and services, but one could argue that none of these characteristics is as significant as maintaining a professional appearance. Up-to-date signage, prominently displayed in compliance with local licenses and legislation, is one of the most noticeable ways to improve your business.

Think like a shopper and assess whether or not your indoor and outdoor displays are legible and consistent with your brand. Maintaining your business signs will help your words stand out in a congested marketplace. Whether you switch your messages frequently to promote seasonal discounts or events, you may need long-term solutions to indicate your business location.

At the end of the day, the safety of your employees and, by extension, your business depends on the results of a regular signage audit. Here are four simple ways to check whether or not your business signs are functioning properly and what you should do if they aren’t.

1. Quickly Assess What You Can See

Signage Audit

Take a tour of the inside and outside of your establishment and make a detailed inventory of all the signs you see. Check the functionality of all electrical parts of signage such as LED information centers and illuminated shopfront signs. Outdoor signs that have twisted or loose wiring and cables, broken bulbs, or dented and rusted wiring harnesses may need maintenance, an upgrade, or replacement.

A simple sign audit can reveal opportunities or legal requirements for more business signs, such as cautions around potentially hazardous equipment, in addition to problems that need addressing. Be sure to take the whole thing into account when evaluating.

It’s inevitable that a temporary sign written on paper and held up with tape will need to be replaced with something more permanent. The colors on outdoor signs fade over time because of the sun’s rays, and rain, snow, and insects can all cause structural damage. Badly made outdoor signs could send the wrong message to potential customers, making them never want to buy anything from that business again.

2. Examine Regulatory Changes at the State and Local Level

Your enterprise could have been in full compliance when the existing signage was first put up. However, laws and regulations are subject to change. There’s a good likelihood that at least one of your business signs will need to be changed or replaced due to changes in liability language or the complexity of safety precautions.

Your company’s signage must adhere to all local, state, and federal regulations. If you own a franchise or a company with locations in different states, it is very important to ensure that your signage complies with all applicable licensing and regulation code requirements.

Signage Audit

3. Be Sure to Examine the Visibility

Your safety signs should be clearly visible from a distance, and you should follow the guidelines for size, color, and placement established by the ADA and other applicable regulations. Getting people’s attention and being able to communicate with them as they walk by is crucial. Do tall trees and plants block the horizon? Is there a problem with conflicting signs?

Signs are useless if they can’t be seen by drivers because poles, bushes, machinery, and other obstructions are in the way. It is important to ensure that signs are visible by ensuring they are mounted, lit, or elevated as required as a component of your signage audit. Your outdoor advertising placements could use some tweaking. Indoor business signs are just as important as outdoor ones, so please be mindful of their placements, too.

4. Establish Your Claim

New companies often try to “cash in” on brand confusion, which can occur due to similarities in a company’s name, logo, or even color scheme. During your sign audit, we suggest that you check with the local and state licensing boards about the name of your business.


Moreover, if your brand uses satire or makes references to well-known people, now is an excellent time to make sure it isn’t infringing on anybody else’s trademarks or copyrighted designs.

Signage Should Be Designed With The Future In Mind

Call sign maker companies for all your signage needs; not only will their staff work diligently to improve existing signs that need repairing or replacing, but they can also offer advice on how to “future-proof” new installations. This includes suggesting sign components like materials, installation techniques, and other characteristics that are optimal for your business and its environment. If the time comes, they are more than happy to make the necessary electrical repairs that will ensure your illuminated signs always look their best, no matter the temperature outside.

Don’t let things like safety, professionalism, and first impressions fade away with your company’s signs; instead, get in touch with their experts for an audit. With the sign maker’s help, you can be sure that every sign for your business will say what it needs to say in a clear, legible, and clean way.

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