Global ecommerce sales are forecast to increase 10 percent in 2023, reaching over $6.5 trillion. This growth is driven by the ever-growing number of people shopping online.

As an ecommerce business owner, these are the kind of stats that put a smile on your face. Unfortunately, not all ecommerce entrepreneurs are smiling all the way to the bank. There’s a lot of competition in online retail, which means many small e-retailers are struggling to make good sales.

If your sales are not impressive, don’t fret. Keep reading to learn how to increase ecommerce sales without blowing your bank account.

Ramp Up Your Digital Marketing

Digital marketing plan examples

As an online business, you certainly already have an active digital marketing strategy. But how aggressive is your strategy?

Having an ecommerce website, a content plan, and a presence on various social channels is a good place to start, but these alone aren’t going to put you ahead of the competition. There are different types of digital marketing, and you need to utilize the ones that best suit your business.

For instance, have you tried running a search engine advertising campaign? Unlike organic methods like search engine optimization, PPC advertising will put your brand on top of search engine result pages. This will lead to an increase in traffic to your ecommerce website, potentially leading to an increase in sales.

Keep in mind that digital marketing pays off when done consistently. If you ease your foot off the digital marketing pedal, sales will start declining.

Sell Your Products on Multiple Channels

Small business online store

The vast majority of online businesses (over 66 percent) sell products on their own website – and with good reason. Selling on your own website enables you to maintain full control of your operations and keeps you in direct contact with the customers.

However, if you’re just selling on your website, you’re undercutting yourself. Many successful online stores sell on multiple platforms, including ecommerce workplaces like Amazon, as well as on social media sites like Facebook.

Selling on various channels widens your customer base, which is what your business needs when it’s struggling to make online sales. This, though, doesn’t mean you start selling on as many channels as possible. Research various platforms and settle on a few that work for your business.

Encourage Word of Mouth Marketing

eCommerce guide

Most consumers trust a friend’s recommendation and are likely to make a purchase based on the recommendation. Getting your customers to recommend your products to their friends is a cost-effective way to grow your e-commerce sales.

But how do you get them to do that?

Of course, some customers will naturally recommend your product if it’s great, but you need several customers doing it, not just a handful. A strategy that works is to create a referral program with enticing rewards. This incentivizes your customers to bring in referrals since they know they will benefit.

How to Increase Ecommerce Sales Easily

You don’t have to blow through your marketing budget to see a tangible increase in sales. Perhaps you’re even running on a shoestring budget and don’t have enough money to spend on marketing in the first place. With this guide on how to increase e-commerce sales, you now know the strategies to implement.

Explore our blog for more sales and marketing tips.

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