You brought this small ferocious beast into your home… now what? You expected to bring your new cat home and have them immediately adjust to their new surroundings, didn’t you? Cats are just like people when they’re placed in new surroundings.

Bringing home a new cat is something that many pet owners before you have done. In fact, 25% of pet owners have cats as their chosen companions. Your new friend just needs a little bit of room to adjust to their new home.

Let’s look at some signs your new cat is adjusting to being home. These are a few signs that they’ve learned to be happy in their furr-ever home.

1. They’re Exploring Their Home

How Having Pets Can Help You Become Healthier

One of the best ways to identify if your cat is settling into their home is if they’re being curious. Cats are curious animals, they like to explore and find the hiding spaces that make them the most comfortable.

When you’re taking a cat home you may find that for the first few days, they seem to stay in only one space. This is because they have yet to feel like they can explore. Once their curiosity comes out, they should be exploring the home as if they’ve always been there.

Seeing your cat roam around the house is a very good sign that they’re settling in and getting comfortable. Expect your new pet to find the hiding spaces you least expected them to be in.

2. Looking for Pets and Affection

Many cats love to have attention, they look to be petted by their owners. When a cat trusts you enough to look for affection it almost feels as though you’ve been chosen. When your cat looks for attention, it’s a great sign that they’re comfortable with you.

In the beginning, you may find that bringing a new cat into your home has made them hide. Once your new friend begins to feel comfortable they will start to look for affection. You should begin to see them seeking out more opportunities for attention.

This could take a little while as they adjust to their new surroundings. Taking home a cat can be a stressful situation in the beginning.

3. They Have an Appetite

Much like humans, when animals become stressed they have a hard time eating. If you’ve brought a new cat into your home and they aren’t eating it’s perfectly normal. Your new pet is just nervous about the new adjustment in its life.

As your pet will become more susceptible to eating as it adjusts to its new surroundings. When you begin to see your cat or kitten activity looking for food, it’s a great sign that they’ve adjusted to being home.

Be sure to try and ask the vet or the foster parent what your cat has been given. Some cats may have a difficult time adjusting to new types of food. The same food may make their transition to being home a bit easier.

4. They Find Their Voice Box

Pets Help Become Healthier

If you’ve had a cat before you might have noticed that cats can be very vocal creatures. They find a way to communicate when they need to. Your new cat may not be as vocal when you bring them into your home.

Over time, as your cat settles into their home, they will begin to find their voice more. As your new pet becomes more comfortable you should be able to identify what they need or how happy they are by how they’re communicating with you.

Cats meowing can be for many different things. Many do this simply when they want to say hello to you.

5. Purring Has Begun

Many things are said about a cat that purrs. From healing properties to the sound of sheer happiness, purring is the sign of a happy cat. Of course, cats being cats, there is always a limit to their purring before they start to bite.

A great sign that your cat has settled into their new home is when they begin to purr when they’re comfortable with you. It may take a little bit of time for your cat or kitten to find their comfort level to begin purring.

6. Zoomies Are Restored

Playtime is important for cats of all ages for many reasons. This is the way they exercise and get all of their energy out. Good cat care starts with accepting the fact that your cat will probably pick the worst possible time to have their playtime sessions.

Once your new pet begins to romp around the house as they own it, you know that they’re comfortable.

Keep an eye on your cat! There are plenty of situations that could land your pet in the vet. Pet insurance such as is always a good idea to take into consideration when you bring that new cat home.

7. They Find Their Comfort Zone

Perhaps the biggest sense that your new cat is comfortable is when they begin to interact with those in the home. This includes other cats and animals that are also under your roof. Your new cat will slowly start to feel comfortable enough to play and even cuddle with you, any other humans, and even the other animals in your home.

your new cat

Keep an eye out for your cat to seem more relaxed within the walls of their new home. It will be a rewarding feeling when you see them beginning to get along with any of your other animals. Cats can be very friendly creatures when they want to be.

There Are Signs Your New Cat Is Adjusting to Their New Home

If you’re worried about your new placement, look for signs your new cat is adjusting. They’ll let you know as they become more comfortable with their new home. Before you know it it’ll feel just like they’ve always been there.

Looking for more pet help with your cat adoption or a new pet? You’ve come to the right place. Even if it’s not a pet question you have, our articles have the conversations you’ve been looking to start. Look through and find your answers today.

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