When your favorite concert is announced, but the ticket prices are pretty high, you can do two things – get them immediately, or wait until the last minute and risk being sorry later. We all know that prices and availability depend on the artist’s popularity and the general demand for tickets. Sometimes, you should splurge your well-saved money because you may not have a chance later to obtain your ticket, even if you are ready to spend more money just to have it.

Sometimes we must act immediately and buy tour tickets fast, and in other cases, we can wait for more affordable prices. If the concert or performer is very popular, ticket services will sell out the tickets immediately, so waiting for last-minute offers may not be the best choice.


On the other hand, if it’s a less popular event, tickets may still be available at the last minute, and they may even be cheaper than if you bought them earlier. It’s up to you to estimate the demand and popularity and decide how to act. Our suggestion is if you really like the performer and you have been waiting for their tour for years, get the tickets at full price.

Surely, there are some potential benefits of waiting to buy last-minute concert tickets, such as:

1. Lower Prices

If there are too many tickets left, performers’ management teams often lower the prices to attract more concert attendees. Also, ticket resellers may lower the prices, too, as they want to avoid being stuck with a pile of unsold tickets.

2. More Flexibility

Buyers love flexibility when it comes to the best place to buy last minute concert tickets. Online services offer that flexibility, but sometimes, traveling to some sales point can also help you get a cheaper ticket at a tight time. Still, it’s a kind of gambling because the limited amount of last-minute tickets means the first to come will first buy them.

3. More Availability

When a show has multiple dates or the venue is large, last-minute concert tickets seem like a great option for those waiting until prices drop. Also, sometimes people decide not to attend the concert and return their tickets to the seller.

Still, keep in mind that this one can be tricky. It only works if the venue is too big for the city or region or the performer is not that popular in that location.

Potential Downsides of Buying Tickets Last Minute

When you decide to take a risk, you may face many challenges. Where to buy concert tickets last minute? Will I find enough tickets for my friends and me? Will they be more affordable or more expensive than usual? All these questions refer to the potential negative sides of buying tickets this way.

If the event is in high demand, every spare ticket may reach very high prices too. Sometimes waiting for the last days before the concert results in limited availability, or the event is completely sold out months before the performance date.


Some artists are more popular compared to others. Sometimes their popularity depends on the state, city, or region they perform in. It also depends on the target audience demographics. For example, older adults may not be interested in Gen Z stars’ concerts but can afford to buy more expensive tickets. On the other hand, younger adults can afford to buy tickets last minute, but their favorite bands are now disbanded, or the members perform solo.

Still, no matter the demographics and general interest, when the concerts are very popular and demanded, you can do these things:

1. Choose Presales

Sometimes early-bird tickets, fan club tickets, and presales are more affordable but very limited. If you are lucky enough, you’ll be able to reserve your tickets among the first 100 buyers (or something like that).

2. Be Ready for the Sales

Concert organizers often announce the beginning of ticket sales a few weeks earlier. So, if you want to put your hands on the best ones, set a few alarms and reminders for that. That way, you’ll be able to buy the tickets as soon as they become available on the ticket services.

3. Check Multiple Sellers

If you subscribe to more than one online ticket seller, you’ll be able to find the wanted tickets faster. Some services are more popular, and people wait in long online queues. Other services are less popular, and the traffic rates are much lower. When you find these less popular but still legit services, you may find better tickets for the popular concert around you.

4. It’s Worth Checking a Few Times

Sometimes people drop the sales and return the tickets. That can be your chance to grab them immediately, especially if they sell good ones. If you have tickets for spots you don’t really like, you can buy the better ones and sell yours. It seems messy, but many people do this, especially as the concert date approaches.

5. Resale Sites are Great Too


When the event is practically sold-out, you think you don’t have many chances to get tickets. But there are smaller resale services you can try and see if they have some tickets left. These services are granted a limited amount of tickets but often have them available for longer since they aren’t much popular worldwide. You can even try the local resale services that cover a specific area only to increase your chances.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, buying tickets last minute is not always the best option. Sometimes the last tickets available can be more expensive than the regular price, so waiting for a miracle to happen is not worth waiting for. If you really like the performer, you need to be smart in buying tickets. That way, you don’t risk missing their live events near you, even when the demand is very high.

In the end, it’s worth paying more money for the concert you love, instead of missing it and being sorry for that later.

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