Florida is known for being a significant vacation destination thanks to its warm weather, exciting attractions, and relaxing beaches. This makes the Sunshine State an easy pick for pretty much anyone in the US that wants to have some fun in the sun. However, if you live here in Florida year-round as we do, you may want to experience a change of scenery during your time off. While visiting another state is always a good option, there are a few practical tips that you should follow while doing so. Not only will these four tips help you to make the most of your vacation, but they will also help you to avoid problems that could derail your experience.

Essential Tips for Vacationing in a Stress-Free Way

1. Plan Out How to Get to Your Destination


This may seem like common sense, but getting to your destination can be more complicated than just flying to the other side of the country or driving to an adjacent state. For example, if you’re taking a trip to the west coast, you may be tempted to just fly since it’s so far away. However, you could also drive if you wanted to turn your vacation into a road trip. While this would come with its own set of logistics to consider, it is still a valid option.

Keep in mind that even if you travel to a far-off state by plane, you’ll still need a mode of transportation when you get there. Most people would just use a rental car, but if you’re not comfortable with that for some reason, another option would be to find a company that will ship cars from state to state. This will allow you to enjoy the comfort and familiarity of your vehicle while you’re on your vacation and avoid all the paperwork that comes with a rental car.

Aside from these obvious solutions to transportation, don’t forget other methods such as cruise ships, charter buses, and ride services such as Uber and Lyft. There are many ways to get to where you’re going so it really just depends on your situation. That said, there are some factors that may influence which mode of transportation is best such as your budget, how far you’re traveling, and what you want to take with you.

2. Decide What to Take and What to Leave Behind

Speaking of which, we know that one of the most difficult things when it comes to vacationing in another state is deciding what to take with you and what you should leave behind. The most practical reasoning concerning this is what you can actually take with you given your mode of transformation. For example, if you’re flying to your destination, then certain things simply cannot be taken by plane such as guns, knives, and other equipment that may be used on a hunting or fishing trip. If this is the case, you’ll need to make arrangements to acquire the equipment you need when you reach your destination.

When deciding what to take with you, it pays to develop a strategy that focuses on the essentials first. These will be items that are indispensable to your trip either for practical reasons or for safety purposes. This could include things like a car charger and bottled water if you’re going on a long road trip or tanning lotion and sunglasses if you’re taking a cruise. Start with the essentials first, then you can work convenience items into your trip as needed.

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3. Know the Laws of the State You’re Visiting

In many cases, it might not be necessary to review the laws of the state you’re going to be visiting. Most people that come here to visit Disney World, one of our beaches, or to take a cruise probably don’t take the time to review our laws after all. However, there are definitely some cases in which you need to brush up on the law when vacationing in another state.

Hunting, fishing, and drinking alcohol are probably the three most obvious activities that would require you to understand the laws of the state where you plan on doing them. Not only does each state have its own laws for these activities, but also its own gun laws as well. We don’t need to tell you that accidentally breaking one of these laws can carry harsh consequences.

For example, there have been many stories of people catching, killing, eating, or interacting with an animal that they aren’t supposed to because they didn’t know any better and being heavily fined for it. Don’t let this be you. Always understand the applicable wildlife, guns, alcohol, and game laws if you plan on participating in these kinds of activities.

4. Figure Out Your Timeframe

When it comes to taking a vacation, most people put very little thought into the timeframe other than what is convenient for them in relation to the time they’ll spend away from work. However, there are other factors to consider that go well beyond such a simple outlook.

The first factor to consider is the weather. People typically don’t flock to Florida for vacations during hurricane season. Likewise, you should avoid visiting another state during a timeframe known for severe weather if you can help it. Examples would include visiting the Midwest during tornado season or traveling up north when blizzards are common. Aside from problems such as tornados and blizzards, you should also make sure that the timeframe in which you’ll be visiting your destination will have pleasant weather in general and not be scheduled for rain, excessive snow, or other nasty weather patterns that you’d want to avoid.


Another factor is what types of festivals and events will be taking place at your destination during your trip. There may be some events that you’ll want to participate in, while others you’d want to avoid. Think of it this way, you may want to specifically visit New Orleans to participate in their world-famous Mardi Gras festival, but on the other hand, you’d likely want to avoid that timeframe so you can experience the city under normal circumstances if you’re not interested.

Getting the Most Out of Your Vacation

Vacation time is probably a bit rarer than we would like these days, so careful planning really does make a difference. We all want to make the most of our vacations and while there is something to be said for spontaneity, coming up with a detailed strategy on how to best spend our time is usually the smartest option. Take the time necessary to really plan out the details of your vacation and you may surprise yourself with the ideas you come up with. Either way, you’ll use your time more efficiently and avoid problems that could otherwise throw a damper on your time off.

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