The need for specialists who can effectively use IT technologies in accounting and management processes is constantly growing. This causes the need for training in modern information technology in all educational institutions. When choosing a university, applicants highlight the opportunity to study modern technology, its practical use, and further employment.

Best software for students


The first thing a student constantly has to work with is a text editor. Speeches at seminars and colloquia may also require the preparation of a presentation. In general, the student simply needs a quality package of office applications. You can use any software from this article, but we would recommend LibreOffice for students. The fact is that, as we have already mentioned, LibreOffice knows how to work with files in the Google Drive cloud.

It is in the cloud that you should store all your most important term papers or dissertations. This place is the safest. It reliably insures you against hard drive breakage or loss of the flash drive with the document. Believe me, there’s nothing worse than a stupid accident that can ruin all the work you’ve done. LibreOffice also includes a presentation program called Impress, but you might be interested in the free tools we describe in a related article.



Every student should try the FocusWriter program. At first glance, it is a simple word processor. However, it possesses several very important advantages which are absent even in large text editors such as Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer.

  • First, the FocusWriter interface is kept as simple as possible so that nothing distracts you from working with text. The program unfolds to the full screen, hiding even the Start menu and desktop icons. The toolbars are also hidden and appear only when you hover your mouse over the edge of the screen.
  • Second, the program allows you to set a certain minimum number of words you have to write in a day. Admittedly, a planner like this was missing for me when I was writing my thesis.

Note, on the program’s download page, the site prompts you to donate $5 for developer support. If you don’t want to pay, just choose it and find on the pirate bay proxy.

E CommerceSoftware

Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey is a flexibly customizable program that will keep you from being distracted by nonsense like social media. The application simply blocks the user’s access to a specific list of sites. By default, it blacklists popular global social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, or Reddit.

LogMeIn Hamachi

Students love to have fun. A small program called LogMeIn Hamachi is a kind of gaming VPN. The program is designed to connect disparate computers into a virtual local network for collaborative gaming. That is, thanks to Hamachi, you can play Counter-Strike even with those users who are not physically on the same network as you. For example, with classmates from the neighboring dormitory or with old friends from your hometown. The program can also be useful in places where game traffic is blocked by the administration for some reason. Such measures are found, for example, on some Western campuses.


Avira Free Antivirus

Students’ computers need much more protection than ordinary users’ computers. The fact is that students constantly have to deal with public terminals. It can be computers in a university classroom or a machine in a printing center where you print your term paper. After your flash drive has been in a public PC, you risk bringing home on it a whole bunch of different virtual infections. To prevent this infection from getting into your system, you need a reliable antivirus.

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