Video streaming has become a popular way of sharing information and entertainment online. The proliferation of streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney Plus has led to an increase in the number of individuals who have become aware of the benefits of downloading or streaming video content directly onto their electronic devices. On the other hand, there are those who might like to have a greater degree of control over their own video material and the manner in which it is disseminated. Having your very own video streaming server can come in quite handy in situations like these. In this piece, we’ll walk you through the four simple steps required to set up your very own video streaming server from scratch.

Step 1: Choose the Right Dedicated Server

Streaming Server

The first step in setting up your own video streaming server is to choose streaming server hosting for hosting the video. A dedicated server is a powerful computer that is designed to handle heavy workloads and can be used for a variety of purposes, including hosting websites, databases, and, of course, video streaming.

When choosing a dedicated server, you’ll want to look for one that has at least 10Gbps of unmetered bandwidth. Bandwidth that is not metered means that there is no monthly cap on the quantity of data that may be sent, something that is absolutely necessary for the streaming of video material. Some popular dedicated server providers include OVH, Vsys Host, Hetzner, and Digital Ocean.

Step 2: Install the Operating System

Once you have chosen your dedicated server, the next step is to install the operating system. There are many different operating systems to choose from, but we recommend using Ubuntu Server, as it is a popular and user-friendly option that is well-suited for hosting video streaming servers.

To install Ubuntu Server, you’ll need to download the ISO image from the official Ubuntu website and then create a bootable USB drive using a tool like Rufus. Once you have the bootable USB drive, you can insert it into your dedicated server and follow the on-screen instructions to install Ubuntu Server.

Streaming Server Software

Step 3: Install the Streaming Server Software

Installing the software for the streaming server is the next step once you have completed the installation of the operating system. Nginx with the RTMP module is the streaming server software that we recommend using, although there are many other options for streaming server software. The RTMP module is a free add-on that enables you to stream video content over the internet. Nginx is a well-known web server software that is well-known for its great performance and scalability.

To install Nginx with the RTMP module, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  • Open the terminal and run the following command to update the system:
    sudo apt update
  • Install Nginx using the following command:
    sudo apt install nginx
  • Install the RTMP module using the following command:
    sudo apt install libnginx-mod-rtmp
  • Configure Nginx by editing the default configuration file using the following command:
    sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  • Add the following code to the bottom of the configuration file:
    rtmp {
    server {
    listen 1935;
    application live {
    live on;
    record off; } } }

Save the configuration file and exit the editor.

Step 4: Stream Your Video Content

The streaming of your own video content is the final step in the process of setting up your own video streaming server. You will require a video source, such as a camera or a video file, as well as streaming software, such as OBS or Wirecast, in order to carry out the steps necessary to accomplish this.

To stream your video content using OBS, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Open OBS and go to Settings > Stream.
  2. Choose “Custom” as the streaming service and enter the following URL as the server:
  3. Enter “live” as the stream key and click “Apply” and then “OK.”
  4. Add your video source by clicking the “+” button under the “

Own Video Streaming


If you follow these four simple steps, you will have your very own video streaming server up and running in no time at all. Although it may seem like an overwhelming undertaking at first, setting up your very own server for video streaming is actually quite simple. If you have your own streaming server, you will not be required to rely on the services of third parties to disseminate your video material, and you will be able to exercise complete control over the video content you produce.

Installing the Ubuntu Server operating system, installing the Nginx streaming server software with the RTMP module, and streaming your video content using streaming software like OBS or Wirecast are the four steps that make up the process of installing your own video streaming server. In summary, selecting the appropriate 10 gbps server of unmetered bandwidth is the first step in the process of installing your own video streaming server.

You will be able to build a dependable and powerful video streaming server if you follow these steps. This server will be able to manage heavy workloads and will transmit high-quality video content to your audience. Start configuring your very own video streaming server right away if you’re serious about elevating the quality of your video content to the next level.

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