If you’re searching for an option to apply a personal touch to your crafts or promotional items, Vograce acrylic keychains and custom washi tape are great options. With their customizable designs, you can make unique items for gifts or marketing campaigns. However, you need to have suitable design files before using these products. In this article, we’ll walk you through using Vograce custom washi tape and acrylic keychain image trace in Adobe Illustrator, so you can make your custom designs and bring them to life.

Getting Started

Vograce acrylic keychains

Before considering the specifics of using Vograce custom washi tape and acrylic keychain image trace, ensuring you have the right tools is crucial. You’ll need Adobe Illustrator, a vector-based design software that allows you to create scalable designs. You’ll also need the image or artwork that you want to use for your Vograce stickers. Please ensure the image is high-resolution and of good quality so it translates well when traced. The company conceits itself on providing high-quality products at reasonable prices.

Vograce Custom Washi Tape Image Trace in Adobe Illustrator

Step 1: Preparing your Design

Preparing your design is the first step in using custom washi tape sticker trace in Adobe Illustrator. You can make your design using any software that you are comfortable with. Still, we recommend using Adobe Illustrator since it is a vector-based software that will produce high-quality results. When creating your design, ensure it is in black and white since Vograce will only print in black ink on white washi tape stickers. You should also ensure that your design is at least 300 DPI since this is the resolution Vograce requires for printing.

Step 2: Exporting your Design

Once you have created your design, export it as a PNG file. Make sure that your file is saved at 300 DPI and that it is in black and white. You should also ensure that your image has no background so it is transparent.

Step 3: Submitting Your Design to Vograce

After getting your design as a PNG file, you can submit it to Vograce. Go to the Vograce website and click the “Custom Washi Tape” option. From there, you will be prompted to upload your design. Make sure you select the correct dimensions for your design, as Vograce offers several sizes of washi tape. You should also select the quantity of washi tape that you would like to order.

Step 4: Receiving Your Custom Washi Tape

After submitting your design, Vograce will review it to ensure it meets their printing requirements. If your design is approved, you will receive your washi tape within a few weeks. When you receive, scrutinize it to ensure it is high quality and that your design has been printed accurately.

Step 5: Using Your Custom Washi Tape

Once you have received your washi tape, you can use it for crafting and decorating. Washi tape is a versatile quality material that can be used for a variety of desires, such as:

  • Scrapbooking
  • Gift wrapping
  • Decorating journals or planners
  • Adding a personal touch to home decor items
  • Creating custom labels or stickers

custom washi

The Steps of Using Vograce Acrylic Keychain Image Trace in Adobe Illustrator

Step 1: Choose Your Image

The first step is to choose the image you want for your acrylic keychain. Keep in mind that not all images are suitable for Image Trace. Images with high contrast and clean lines work best for this feature. It’s also essential to use high-quality images to ensure your design looks sharp and clear.

Step 2: Start to Open Adobe Illustrator and Create a New Document

Once you have chosen your image, open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Ensure that the document size is the same as the size of your acrylic keychain. For example, if you’re making a keychain that’s 2 inches by 2 inches, set your document size to 2 inches by 2 inches.

Step 3: Adjust the Image Trace Settings

In the Image Trace section, you can adjust the settings to create the desired effect for your design. The default settings may work for some images, but you can play around with the settings to achieve the best result. Here are a few of the settings you can adjust:

Mode: select the mode that well suits your image. The default mode is Black and White, but you can choose Grayscale, Color, or Outline.

Threshold: Adjust the threshold to determine how much of your image is traced. A lower threshold will trace more of your image, while a higher threshold will traceless.

Paths: Choose the number of paths you want to create for your design. A higher number of paths will create a more detailed design, but it may also slow down your computer.

Corners: Adjust the corners setting to determine the sharpness of the corners in your design.

Noise: Adjust the noise setting to smooth out any rough edges in your design.

Step 4: Refine Your Design

You can refine your design using various Adobe Illustrator tools with your traced image selected. For example, you can adjust the colors, change the stroke weight, or add text to your design.

Step 5: Save Your Design

Acrylic Keychain

Once you’re pleased with your design, save it as an Adobe Illustrator file. That will allow you to edit your design in the future if needed.


Using Vograce image trace in Adobe Illustrator is a simple process that can result in high-quality and unique washi tape designs. Following the stages outlined in this article, you can invent custom washi tape & acrylic keychain designs and showcase your personal style or brand. Remember to prepare your design in black and white, export it as a PNG file, and submit it to Vograce for printing. With your custom washi tape & acrylic keychain, you can start creating and decorating to your heart’s content!

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