Things in Florida are slowly starting to return to normal. Over the past few months, we’ve had to stay inside a lot more and reduce our social circles. For many, this might have meant letting some home repairs go unattended because you didn’t want to invite anyone into your home. But as Florida moves forward with its plan to re-open, you may be looking to finally get those home improvement projects done.

Learn what you need to do

Make a List

If you’re one of these people, start by making a list. Go from room to room in your home and write down the things you’ve been wanting to get done. Maybe you’ll finally have someone look at that leaky faucet, or maybe now is the time to completely remodel your kitchen. Write everything down then re-order the list based on your priorities. For example, while you may want to remodel your kitchen, that leak in your roof will obviously take precedence.

Professionals You May Need to Call

Once you have your list, it’s time to find the people who can help you. Below are some of the professionals you may need to call to help you take care of those home repairs.

A Plumber

For anything dealing with your plumbing, you’ll need to call in a plumber. Many people try to fix simple things like leaky faucets and clogged drains on their own, but this can often lead to more trouble. According to, “We often see many DIY’ers hiring equipment from a hire shop then attempting the drain clear themselves. While this can be a cheaper way to go, if things go wrong it can mean big trouble in terms of retrieving the equipment and also drain repairs which can be expensive.”

Find a local service plumber and see what they charge for the job you have in mind. It’s also a good idea to read online reviews of any service you’re considering to make sure you are hiring someone trustworthy.

An Electrician

One thing most homeowners shouldn’t try to do on their own is to fix anything with electricity. Working with electricity is very dangerous, especially if you won’t know what you’re doing. Whether it’s installing a new light fixture in your home or replacing an old outlet, you should let a professional electrician handle that work for you. If the job isn’t done right you could not only injure yourself but cause a fire within your home. Professional electricians know how to get these types of jobs done safely.

A Service Repair Technician

If the repair you need in your home involves an appliance or other piece of equipment, you’ll want to hire a service repair technician. For example, if you’re having trouble with your dishwasher or over, you won’t want to call an electrician or plumber. Find a service repair technician that has experience working on not only the type of equipment you need fixed but the specific model. You can likely find many different types of repair technicians in your area, from AC technicians to dishwasher repair services.

A General Handyperson

Finally, for some repairs, you’ll just need someone who is good with tools and fixing things. For example, you may have a door that sticks, a hole in your wall, or some loose floorboards in your deck. There is not a specific person you can call for these types of repairs, so you’ll just need a general handyperson. Ask your friends and family if they know anyone in the area, or you can even ask around at your local hardware store, as these professionals probably visit there a lot for supplies.

Continue to Take Safety Precautions

Whomever you intend to hire, make sure you both are taking proper safety precautions. This means wearing a mask when they are in your home, practicing social distancing, and disinfecting the work area after they leave. You should discuss what precautions the person is taking before you hire them to come to your home. While Florida may be a path to re-open, that doesn’t mean we should abandon all health precautions.

We hope this guide is able to help you get started with those home repairs you’ve been avoiding for the past few months. There are many local businesses out there eager for your business, so now is the perfect time to give them a call and have them help you with your repairs – provided they are continuing to take proper safety precautions.

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