We would all like to be a little nicer to the environment.

In an ideal world, we would all be able to install the latest Earth-friendly tech in our homes and achieve negative carbon emissions.

But, it’s not easy — or cheap — to be that green.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can make your home a little bit more energy efficient and in turn a little more cost efficient. All it takes are a few simple changes.

Interested in turning your home into a greenhouse?

Here are seven energy efficient home ideas that won’t break the bank and that you can put into effect right now.

1. Unplug Extra Chargers

There might be something lurking in your bedroom. Or, perhaps, it’s hiding in the shadows of your home office. It could even be laying in wait in your bathroom.

It’s an energy vampire, and it could be sucking the life out of your wallet every month.

Your phone, tablet, computer or whatever charger does not stop sucking energy when your device isn’t plugged in.

One phone-charger could be consuming as much as 0.26 watts when not in use. Not a staggering number, but odds are you have more than one phone-charger.

Unattended chargers could be responsible for a shocking 10% of your electricity bill.

You could fix this by installing elaborate outlets that you can turn off when not in use. Or, you could unplug your chargers once you’re done using them.

Your bank account and the planet will thank you for it.

2. Don’t Waste Water

This one’s an oldie but still a goodie.

You can save up to $140 on your water bill by making a few small changes to your water usage habits.

Turn off the tap while shaving or brushing your teeth. Switch from baths to showers. Don’t run your washing machine or dishwasher unless it’s completely full.

These may all seem like minor changes, but following a few of them could add up to big savings.

3. Switch To Washing With Cold Water

Most of the energy used by your washing machine does not go toward the spin cycle. It’s actually used for heating up the water.

Hot water may seem like the best way to get something clean. But, depending on the kind of soap you’re using, hot water may not be necessary.

Most laundry detergents nowadays are designed to work with cold water. Washing with cold water can also help make your clothes last longer.

It’s more gentle on fabrics and dyes, so you won’t have to worry as much about sending your favorite shirt through.

4. Lower/Raise Your Thermostat

It’s the subject of controversy in many homes.

But, no matter what temperature you prefer to keep your home while you’re in it, you can save a lot of money and energy by giving it a break while you’re out.

During the summer, try to remember to set your thermostat to 78? before you leave the house.

This will keep your home from getting too hot while saving you from waiting for air-conditioning on an empty house.

Alternatively, during the winter lower your thermostat by 10 or 15 degrees before you leave. This will keep your home warm enough that it won’t take a lot of excess energy to reheat it to a more comfortable temperature once you return.

Finally, if it’s a comfortable temperature outside, try to remember to turn off your heater or air-conditioner. If you don’t need it, don’t use it.

5. Replace Incandescent Bulbs

Manufacturers began phasing out incandescent bulbs for a reason.

Morte modern halogen bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps, and LEDs last longer. They’re also more efficient and can even be safer than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Incandescent bulbs only use 10% of the energy they suck up for lighting up your life. The rest goes toward generating potentially dangerous heat.

The average home can use approximately 40 light bulbs at any given time. So while it may take several minutes to check each lighting fixture you own, it’ll be worth it.

By switching to more efficient light bulbs you’ll be helping out mother nature by conserving electricity. All while keeping your bank account happy.

6. Seal Your Windows

It may not matter how careful you are with our thermostat if all your hard work is literally going right out the window.

Poorly sealed or insulated windows could lead to small leaks and drafts. Which, in turn, can lead to a big waste of energy.

While drafty windows cannot be fixed but flicking a switch or pressing a button, they’re pretty easy to fix.

Check the weatherstripping around the frame and apply new if need be. Then repair any extra cracks around your window with silicone caulk or strips of shrink film.

While either of these methods could help save cash and energy, depending on the state of your windows you may need to replace them.

If you need to replace your current windows with more energy efficient ones, try Renewal by Andersen replacement windows.

7. Upgrade Your Shower Head

While showers already use a lot less water than baths, you can save even more by upgrading your showerhead.

Traditional shower heads go through five gallons of water every minute. But, if you install a low-flow showerhead, you could cut the amount of water you use in the shower in half.

It’s a small change that can do a lot to decrease your carbon footprint while simultaneously lowering your water bill.

Energy Efficient Home Ideas

Saving energy is not only good for our planet, it can also be good for your wallets. It’s basic math. Using less energy equals a lower electric bill. And that’s something everyone can get behind.

By using one of our energy efficient home ideas you could end up saving yourself a decent chunk of change. While also making your house a little bit kinder to the only home we’ve ever known.

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