A healthy yard starts with healthy grass. By that logic, the more healthy your grass, the healthier your yard. Healthy grass requires only a few essentials to sustain it: plenty of water, the proper amount of sun, and air – the lack of which can cause your grass to become compacted and deteriorate.

That’s why aerating your lawn is an important part of yard maintenance. But many people don’t know why it’s important, how often it should be done, and what the benefits are. Let’s answer those questions.

Aerating your lawn is a must-do to promote a healthier, fuller yard. It involves poking small holes in the surface of the soil, allowing water and air to penetrate the soil more deeply. Here are the top reasons to aerate your lawn.

Read on!

1. Increase Oxygen for Healthier Soil

Aerate Lawn

Aerating helps increase the amount of oxygen available to the soil, which is essential for plant roots to thrive. It also helps create new channels in the soil for rainwater so that moisture can reach deeper into the ground.

By transferring O2 and CO2 between the earth’s pores and the atmosphere, the process of soil aeration provides an air supply underneath. It helps prevent crops from going without oxygen and lowers dangerous carbon dioxide levels in the subterranean air if they go too high.

2. Increase Nutrient Uptake

Proper aeration removes the compaction of soil, which allows air to penetrate it and more easily absorb nutrients. The need for oxygen-rich habitats for the survival and reproduction of helpful bacteria is another factor in the significance of oxygen surrounding the root mass.

On the other hand, harmful organisms do not thrive in environments that are high in oxygen.

3. Reduce Weed Infestation

Reduce Weed Infestation

Aeration helps reduce the growth of weed seeds by disturbing the soil and eliminating the places in which they can get comfortable.

Every lawn has weeds, but they seldom pose a threat to healthy, aggressively expanding turfgrass. To give a new lawn a healthy start, proper site preparation and turfgrass selection before planting are crucial.

4. Improve Lawn Water Holding Capacity

By increasing water penetration, aerating keep your lawn well hydrated by reducing runoff. This ensures your soil is moist and well-nourished. Add organic fertilizers and soil improvers like molasses and humate after aerating your grass.

Your turf will receive deep root feeding as a result of this procedure, and the organic fertilizers will aid in keeping water around the grass’s root zone.

5. Stronger Root System

Lawn Aerate

Aeration actually stimulates root growth, creating a healthier lawn. The most effective strategy to encourage deeper grass root development for the majority of grasses is to wet more deeply but less often. The soil should be wet 4 to 6 inches below the surface after watering. Long after the top has dried, the moistness of these deeper soil layers will persist.

So, are you finally decided to aerate your lawn? Check out this lawn care service for the best options!

Aerate Your Lawn Starting Today

Aerating your lawn is beneficial for a variety of reasons, from improving soil fertility and drainage to reducing weed competition.

All of these reasons make aerating your lawn an easy choice. When performed properly, aerating can lead to healthier and more vibrant turfgrass. Improve your lawn today and experience the numerous benefits you can get when you aerate your lawn.

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