Did you know that small leaks in your plumbing system can waste around 10,000 gallons of water per year?

There are a wide variety of common plumbing issues that homeowners can experience every day. Restaurants, schools, and other types of businesses also encounter various problems with their plumbing and try to solve them.

For the most part, plumbing systems are pretty stable and don’t need repair. But when you do need it, the problems can get out of hand.

Read on to learn about the most common plumbing problems homeowners typically face and how to fix them!

How to Fix Common Plumbing Issues


1. Clogged Kitchen or Bathroom Sinks

Clogged kitchen or bathroom sinks are one of the most common plumbing problems. These clogs usually result from soap, oil, and food buildups blocking the drain pipe.

To fix this issue, try using a plunger first. If that does not solve the issue, there are a few other options available, including drain snakes and vinegar and baking soda solutions. With either of these, you should be able to unclog the sink without the assistance of a professional.

For more stubborn clogs, it is important to check the entire drain system to find the cause of the clog. Once found, a professional like Tweedy Plumbing can be hired to manually or chemically clear the clog.

To avoid the issue in the future, be sure to clean out the drain regularly. Avoid throwing items such as grease or food down the sink.

2.  Leaky Faucets

Leaky faucets can cause both a nuisance and an increase in water bills. The good news is that fixing a leaky faucet is usually a relatively simple and easy task for even novice DIYers.

To start, turn off the water supply to the faucet, then remove the faucet handle and trim components. Remove the packing nut, and look for any wear or damage to the collar, washer, or valve stem. Replacement parts can easily be found at hardware stores.

Reassemble the faucet, being sure to lubricate the components to prevent future wear and tear, and replace the handle, trim, and screw. Finally, run water through the faucet to make sure that the leak has been successfully fixed. Attention to maintenance and regular replacements of worn parts can help avoid frequent and costly repairs due to leaking faucets.

3. High Water Pressure

High water pressure can be very harmful to your pipes if not fixed properly. It can lead to water leakage from pipes and even busted pipes, resulting in costly repairs.

To fix high water pressure, you should first check your house’s main water shut-off valve, looking for any potential obstructions such as clogs or sediment buildup. If the pressure is still too high, then you can install a pressure regulator to lower the flow rate of your water.

Another option is to contact a plumber who can professionally install a pressure-regulating valve, which is typically the most effective solution. Taking these steps can help to keep your plumbing system operating in optimal condition and save you money in the long run.

4. Low Water Pressure

low water

Low water pressure can be caused by many factors, such as restricted water flow caused by sediment buildup in pipes or a build-up of scale deposits. Other potential causes include corrosion, closing or leaking valves, and a lack of atmospheric or elevation pressure.

To address low water pressure, begin by checking for and removing any sediment buildup or corrosion in pipes or valves. Descaling deposits in pipes can be done using vinegar, baking soda, and hot water.

If the problem persists, a plumbing professional should be consulted. You may need to replace valves and increase the size of the pipes to increase water flow. Additionally, installing a water pressure regulator or pump can also address a lack of pressure due to atmospheric or elevation pressure.

5. Clogged Toilets

Clogged toilets can be a real hassle to fix. One of the simplest and least invasive methods is to use a plunger to create suction and push the clog through. After some vigorous plunging, the clog should be forced through.

If that fails, then it may be time to try an auger or ‘plumber’s snake’. It is essentially a long flexible cable that you can push down the drain and into the clog to try and break it up. More advanced techniques involve partially disassembling the pipe under the toilet to manually remove the obstruction, and if these methods are not successful then it may be time to call a professional.

6. Broken pipes

broken pipe

This can be caused by a number of issues such as freezing of water in exposed pipes, leaky joints, corrosion, or tree roots blocking the flow of water. Repairing a broken pipe typically requires shutting off the main water supply, draining the pipes, cutting out the broken section of pipe, and then reinstalling the new sections of pipe.

It is important to ensure the new sections of pipe closely match the old in material, size, and length. Once the new sections of pipe have been connected, the area should be tested for leaks and also ensure fixtures are properly functioning.

7. No Hot Water

Not having hot water can be a very frustrating plumbing issue. The most common cause of no hot water is a faulty water heater. First, make sure your water heater is set to the right temperature. If it is too hot, it can cause scalding and if it is too low, it won’t be hot enough.

If that doesn’t work, you may have a problem with the unit’s heating elements. Luckily, you can replace it fairly easily. In worse cases, the entire water heater might need to be replaced. You might also want to check the pilot light if you have a gas water heater. If the pilot light is out, the heater won’t be able to supply hot water.

hot water

Lastly, check your plumbing system for any blockages that would prevent the hot water from reaching the fixtures. If it’s clogged, you may have to call a plumber to clear out the problem.

Repair Plumbing Issues

Plumbing issues can be inconvenient and stressful but with the right know-how and the right supplies, many common plumbing problems can be easily remedied. Use the plumbing tips from this article to your advantage and fix your common plumbing issues today.

Don’t forget to take preventive action, regular maintenance tasks can save you time and money. Investigate your options and get started on solving your plumbing problems today.

Need more home maintenance tips? You can read this blog about Faucet Repair Guide for New Homeowners.

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