In the United States, 1 person dies from an eating disorder every hour.

If you’re one of the 30 million Americans suffering from an eating disorder, this stat is enough to send a chill down your spine. The good news is treatment for eating disorders is available and it’s possible to make a full recovery.

In addition to undergoing professional treatment, there are measures you can take to enhance your chances of beating your disorder.

Eager to learn more? This article fleshes out 4 healthy habits you should try when recovering from an eating disorder.

1. Be Aware of Your Triggers

An eating disorder doesn’t develop out of the blue. There are usually one or more forces that push you towards the disorder. They include your genetics, environment, and psychological and emotional health.

When you’re recovering from an eating disorder, it helps to develop an awareness of your triggers. This way, you have a greater ability to recognize them and take an appropriate response.

For example, let’s say you’re suffering from anorexia nervosa – an eating condition characterized by loss of appetite. If you establish that you often develop a strong urge to lose weight when you watch TV shows that advocate for thinness, it’s a healthy practice to avoid such shows during your recovery period.

While at it, be sure to learn about the side effects of anorexia.

2. Follow a Healthy Eating Pattern

Everyone will tell you to eat healthy during your recovery.

But what exactly does healthy eating entail? The truth is healthy eating varies from person to person because we all have different nutritional needs.

Work with your therapist to establish a healthy eating pattern that meets your needs. If you need to lose weight, your diet regimen should help you lose it in a healthy way.

Follow the plan during and after your recovery.

3. Exercise – But in Moderation

Want to lose weight? Exercise

Want to muscle up? Exercise

Want to feel good about yourself? Exercise.

Physical exercise, it seems, is the ultimate solution to everything body-related. And so when you’re recovering from an eating disorder, the temptation to go all out and break a sweat is always be there. Don’t fall for it!

Like healthy eating, an exercise routine should be customized to meet your specific needs.

You might not believe it, but exercise can be part of an eating disorder. If you’re obsessed with attaining a certain body image, you could be dieting and exercising as a means to that end. In this case, some exercises might not be ideal for you during your recovery.

Again, work with your therapist to build a healthy exercise regimen for you.

4. Keep a Journal

Often, it’s what we’re going through in life that puts us in the path of an eating disorder. How do you deal with this?

Whether you are the creative type or not, journaling can help you release your inner thoughts and liberate your mind. Write about how you feel, your wishes, beliefs, needs, wants, desires… just about everything in your head.

Live Healthy When Recovering from an Eating Disorder

An eating disorder can ruin your life and even end it, but you have the power to beat it.

While seeking professional treatment is crucial, understanding your triggers, eating healthy, exercising right, and keep a journal will go a long way when you’re recovering from an eating disorder.

All the best, and keep tabs on our health and fitness section for more useful insights.

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