Not being able to go to the gym may feel like it could significantly slow down your fitness journey. You probably feel like you can’t get the best results at home without the same equipment, machinery, and space that the gym offers. But this isn’t true at all.

There are plenty of ways you can still be active and fit while you wait for gyms to be available to you again. If you have to do a workout at home because the gyms are closed, then take a look at these following tips to get and keep you on the right track.

Check out the ways

1. Evaluate Your Current State

Before you start working out at home, take stock of where you are at the moment. It’s important to know where you’re beginning so that you’ll be able to track your results more accurately.

You can do this by taking measurements and pictures, and writing down your current weight and activity level. You should also be keeping track of what your diet is like so you’ll be able to factor this in. Attempt to do weekly check-ins with yourself to keep up with what’s working (or not) and stay motivated.

2. Create a Plan

One of the main reasons why people tend to fail at a lot of things they try is because they haven’t planned it out well enough. This is your chance to start off strong and set up your workout at home experience to be successful.

Writing out your fitness program doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start with how often you actually will be able to dedicate yourself to working out during the week. From there, you’ll be able to split up your workouts evenly across these days.

For instance, if you can work out at home three days per week, it may be best to focus on a day for your lower body parts, upper body parts, and high-intensity cardio. This type of structure ensures that you’ve covered all muscle groups over the time that you have available.

Also, don’t forget about the dietary aspect of it. Plan out what you want to eat so that you won’t fall into temptation easily. Both exercise and diet are essential and necessary components of your overall health.

3. Separate Exercises by Body Parts

Trying to exercise your entire body in one day can be very tiring and is usually not recommended (unless you’re an athlete). In order to let your muscles rest, it’s best to isolate different muscle groups on various days. For instance, you may want to focus on working your back and arms on Monday and your legs on Tuesday.

Ultimately, how you choose to split these muscle groups is up to you. Again, you may want to try splitting the upper and lower halves of your body up. This works as well, just as long as you give yourself adequate rest for muscles to repair and recover.

4. Use Household Items

Just because you don’t have all the fancy machinery that they have at the gym doesn’t mean that you can’t still have a quality workout at home. The things in your home can actually be of more assistance than you think.

Look up some alternative ways of doing your favorite exercises, then take a look around your room. From chairs to stairs, there is opportunity all around you. Get creative and use everything (especially furniture) to its fullest potential.

5. Go Outside

Even when you are exercising at the gym, it’s good to still mix your indoor workouts with some outdoor activity. Make sure you get a chance to head outside to do some of your workouts.

Some of the best types of workouts to do outdoors are cardio (running, jogging, hiking, high-intensity interval circuits, etc.) and body weighted exercises (squats, lunges, etc.). There is a ton of space and sturdy grounds to go full force for your workout. Plus, the fresh air will be an added benefit for your respiratory system.

Remember to be conscious of your dietary choices while you’re out. Try to find healthy options and do your research before consuming them. For instance, don’t hesitate to Google ‘Healthy You vending reviews‘ or specific restaurants to find out how much people enjoyed it.

6. Attend Virtual Classes

Feeling like you’re disconnected from trainers and gym buddies might get you down a little. But attending a virtual fitness class could be just the thing you need to get you motivated again.

The internet offers plenty of different options for any and everyone’s fitness needs. You’ll be able to tune into a variety of classes led by experts from your own living room.

7. Download Fitness Apps

Technology has truly gifted us with many tools to help reach our goals in life. There are thousands of fitness apps that offer anything from tracking what you eat to giving you workout sequences and measuring exercise results.

Consider downloading different apps and using them together to help you out even more.

8. Stretch Often

Many people forget all about stretching when it comes to working out. However, this is a very important part because it can help you to avoid injuries. Stretching also helps with flexibility and overall motor and muscle functions.

Dedicate some time to a stretch routine every week. Some people like to add a yoga practice into their lives to help improve their fitness even more.

9. Invest in Basic Equipment

You don’t have to break the bank to have a good workout. But if you do want to pick up a few things to give your home workouts more of a gym feel, consider adding some basics. This includes:

  • Dumbbells
  • Yoga mats
  • Resistance bands
  • Exercise ball
  • Bosu ball
  • Sliders
  • Kettlebells

These items won’t take up much space and can work for any budget.

Make the Best Out of Your Workout at Home

If you need to do a workout at home because of gym closings, these tips will help you make the best out of it. The most important thing to remember is that consistency will get you far. Use what you have and get creative.

For more tips and tricks, check out our blog.

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