What are the nice things people have done for you in life without expecting anything back in return? If you think about it, you can probably come up with a few. The notion of paying it forward is about doing the same for another person in need in return, but it can be hard sometimes to get it right. Below are a few things to consider on your own paying-it-forward journey.

Questions To Ask While Paying It Forward

Key Considerations

What Do They Want And Need?

This is the first and most important question, but it can be a little tricky to answer. It can be easy to feel like you have a very clear picture of what someone should do, but that might not be at all what they are asking for. On the other hand, there may be times when it’s very clear to everyone except the person themselves that the thing they want is not remotely what they need. Yet sometimes there are mitigating factors that no one is aware of that could change this calculus. Consider that they may have a better idea of their needs than you do. Most who want to stop worrying about money have had the experience of being given advice or offered help that is so far off the mark that it’s stunning. This is something to avoid.

Can You Afford It?

find another way

Sometimes, you desperately want to help someone, but it would put you in a difficult position financially. Someone helped you with rent once and you want to do that for someone else, but if it will leave you wondering how you’re going to cover your own bills, you may have to find another way to pay it forward. Sometimes, the situation is more complex. Maybe someone has asked you to cosign on a loan. While it can be a red flag if the person has bad credit, this is common with student loans simply because the people applying for them tend to have little or no credit history or income. The problem is that there are major responsibilities attached to cosigning a student loan. If you’re considering this, you can review some questions you should ask first. Affording it is not just about money. The thing a person needs may take the time or emotional energy that you just can’t spare right now.

Does It Align With Your Values?

Align With Your Values

If someone you care about has ever asked you to do something that doesn’t sit right with you, you already know how this feels. You may feel pressure in some cases to give someone a hand simply because you are able to do it, but if it involves going against your basic values, you aren’t going to feel good about your action.

Should You Be Anonymous?

It could be argued that the purest way of paying it forward is anonymous. It’s not possible in every circumstance, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting the person you’re helping to know you are. But it can be a way to take yourself out of the equation and put the focus squarely on the deed itself.

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