You may already know that strength training can help reduce your chances of premature death due to heart disease or cancer by up to 20%. On top of its excellent health benefits, weightlifting can help you look more toned and confident, as well. If you’ve been focused on increasing your muscle mass and refining your physique, you may be considering entering a bodybuilding competition.

But what should you do if you’re new to the world of bodybuilding? Read on to learn what you need to know about preparing for your first bodybuilding contest!

Select a Bodybuilding Show

First, you will need to select a bodybuilding show that is a good introductory choice for a novice. Start by researching local chapters of national bodybuilding federations.

See what competitions are available in your area, and don’t be afraid to reach out for more information. Starting at the local or regional level is your best entryway into a competition, as well as an opportunity to network.

Additionally, keep in mind that you will need to start with an amateur-level show. Generally, you will not need to do much, if anything, to qualify for one of these competitions.

If you have success and the drive to keep moving forward, you eventually can move on to pro-level shows. But you will need to qualify for these shows at the regional level first. Plan on starting with true novice competitions that don’t require much travel.

bodybuilder taking supplement

Look for workshops and classes connected to the bodybuilding show and its parent organization, too. That way, you can ask questions and gauge the level of competition. You also can meet more seasoned bodybuilders who may be willing to share their expertise.

At competitions, everyone around you will be focused on pursuing a Pro Card, which is one of the biggest bodybuilding benchmarks. Earning a Pro Card means that you have excelled at regional competitions and are able to participate in national competitions. In other words, you are officially a professional bodybuilder.

If you aspire to hit top-level bodybuilding, give yourself enough time to do it. Choose a show that gives you several months to diet and prepare. Trying to do too much too quickly can result in disappointment and injuries, so you’re better off taking things slowly.

Find an Experienced Coach

To give yourself the best chance for success, hire a coach to help with your journey. Yes, you will need to budget for this, as many coaches will charge upwards of $50 per hour. But having someone who can hold you accountable and help craft a training plan is essential.

An experienced coach can create a program that helps you build muscle mass while reducing body fat. Your goal as a bodybuilder is to create a well-defined body that shows extreme and symmetrical muscle definition. Keep in mind that at a bodybuilding show, you will be assessed based on your muscular development as well as size and proportions.

A good coach knows that you will need to pose effectively, too. And even when you are not actively competing in a round, you will need to be aware of how to control your muscles. After all, judges will be evaluating you at all times!

Poses can include a side tricep pose, side chest pose, and front lat spread, among others. Your coach should be able to walk you through the process of holding these poses and offer feedback on your efforts. Mastering these poses will allow you to show off your hard work more convincingly.

Count on your coach to keep you motivated while making adjustments to your plan each week. And make sure you choose a coach with a demonstrated understanding of nutrition, metabolism, and human anatomy. They also should know how to measure your physique to help you improve each week.

Make Essential Dietary Changes

A big part of bodybuilding training is adhering to a diet that can help you build muscle and reduce fat. Start by learning your body fat percentage. Aim to create a diet that does not require losing weight too quickly, as this can backfire and result in the loss of lean muscle mass.

Instead, aim for gradual weight loss in the neighborhood of one pound per week. This approach can translate to abiding by a diet that balances proteins, fat, and carbohydrates. Most diets will want to favor protein intake.

Even so, skimping on carbohydrates too much can lead to lean muscle mass loss, too. Remember that carbohydrates can be an excellent source of energy. Work with your coach to determine the right balance of carbohydrates to achieve the necessary weight loss or maintenance.

vegan bodybuilding diet

Determine how much time you have to prepare before the competition, too. You may need to adjust the ratio of protein to fat, for instance, as you progress.

In addition, focus on reshaping your diet to eliminate processed foods. Eating processed foods too late in the day can result in stored body fat, so limit sugar intake to the mornings if at all.

Your best bet is to load your diet with fresh, nutritious foods. Steer clear of prepackaged meals that may be loaded with sodium and hydrogenated oils. Reach for lean meats, fish, whole grains, and vegetables.

Drink plenty of water, too. Doing so can keep your skin looking moisturized and taut. But perhaps even more importantly, it can facilitate muscle gain, clear out toxins, and metabolize fat.

Map Out a Strength Training Schedule

Since strength training is central to your preparation for a bodybuilding contest, take time to map out a schedule. Going about things randomly means you might overlook certain groups of muscles or find yourself fatigued.

Create a calendar that extends from the present moment to the day of the competition. You may make weekly adjustments, such as upping your weights or reducing your cardio. Overall, aim to address all major muscle groups over the course of a week.

For example, your first day of the week could focus on shoulder and ab exercises. Then you could address arms the next day, followed by legs and your core. Designate a day to focus on your chest, as well.

Ideally, your coach should evaluate your form to ensure that each movement is safe when you’re lifting. Straining to lift too much or using an uneven movement can trigger injuries that could derail your competition plans. If you are working out alone, use a mirror so you can gauge your form and make adjustments.

And don’t forget about resting. Failing to take off a day from a rigorous exercise routine can lead to injuries and burnout. You want to give your muscles some time to recover. Plus you can use that rest day to focus on cooking healthy meals, researching future competitions, and practicing poses.

For another boost, look into adding SARMs to your strength-training game plan. These supplements can help dial up your fat-burning capacity and enhance the appearance of your muscles. Find SARMs for sale that can help you maximize your efforts.

Introduce Cardiovascular Exercises

When it comes to bodybuilding pro tips, a big one is to incorporate cardiovascular exercise. While muscle development and diet are the focal points for most, don’t forget about cardio. Many bodybuilders are quick to dismiss cardio, but adding it can pay dividends.

Even including a few moderate, 30-minute sessions each week can help increase your metabolism and blood flow. All of this complements your efforts in the weight room. And the result will be a leaner physique.

You don’t need to pound the pavement for hours to achieve the necessary effects, either. Going for a brisk wall, using a stationary bike, or jogging for a half hour a few times per week can help. Try to place these workouts on days when you are not doing resistance training.

Look into high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as another option. This approach to cardio focuses on smaller spurts of output that can lead to higher fat loss. Ask your coach if this would be beneficial, or whether a more consistent approach to cardio is better given your physique.

When you commit to cardio, you will help promote capillary growth in your muscles. This can increase oxygen and nutrient movement in the muscles. And ultimately, you’ll be able to perform better and recover more quickly.

Prepare Your Skin

Remember that being successful in a bodybuilding show means enhancing your appearance beyond the muscle tone. You’ll need to take care of your skin heading into the competition.

A good skincare routine is something that you should be doing a week prior to a show, if not earlier. And if you’re new to the idea of skincare, educate yourself and jump in right away.

Start by committing to exfoliating and moisturizing your skin. Exfoliating clears away dead skin cells that can make your skin look dry. Moisturizing helps ensure that your skin looks smooth and nourished.

It Builds Muscles

A week before a competition, wax your skin to remove excess hair. Giving yourself a week to recover also provides enough time for your pores to close. And if waxing is a foreign process, hire a professional to do it and try it out a few weeks earlier, too.

Doing all of this prep work is critical, particularly if you will be getting a spray tan. Think of a spray tan as a healthy way to create a sun-kissed glow that will accentuate your muscles. While you can apply a tan yourself, consider going with a professional to make sure the tan is even.

Be Aware of Common Pitfalls

Finally, you can have a better first-time experience if you are able to sidestep common rookie errors. For instance, do you have a bag packed and ready to go for your bodybuilding competition? You could be spending several hours at the event, so have everything ready for the big day.

Items to pack include drinks rich in electrolytes and snacks like bananas that can keep you energized. Consider tossing in a bit of sugary candy, too, for a quick energy boost. And pack towels or wipes in case you feel oily.

Even though feedback from a coach can help you improve your poses, don’t rely on that alone. Spend time posing without a person or mirror to provide instant feedback. You could look into videotaping yourself, as well.

Doing this can help build confidence since you won’t have someone coaching you during the actual competition. You also can review the taped footage to evaluate your flexing skills and presence.

Start practicing poses at least a month before the competition, too. And focus on holding them for longer stretches, even up to a minute. That way, you will build endurance that helps you during the actual competition.

Finally, avoid wearing anything that could interfere with your spray tan. While it’s tempting to spritz some cologne before a competition, don’t do it. You’ll risk causing your spray tan to start running, meaning that you won’t look as professional when it’s your time to shine on stage.

Prepare for a Bodybuilding Contest

When you have a bodybuilding contest on the horizon, you will want to be mindful of the necessary preparatory steps. Once you’ve selected a competition, hire a coach to help you set a timeline and map out a workout regimen. Create a diet that will help you look your best, and prepare your skin, as well, so you can show off your physique the day of the competition.

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