It is nice to believe that people never judge a book by its cover, but this is not the case in reality. Instead, people instinctively judge businesses by their appearance, seeing it as a clear, physical representation of the standards that they hold themselves to. In fact, studies have found that it takes the average consumer less than seven seconds to make a first impression that can last a lifetime.

Staff is one of the most valuable assets the majority of businesses have. If the appearance of your staff impacts the first impression a customer makes, it is important that you are able to ensure a professional look.

Make Your Staff Look More Professional: Make it a Team Effort

Team Effort

There are some topics that people are uncomfortable talking about in a professional setting, and appearance is one of these topics. It can be very difficult to even know where to begin when it comes to making your staff look more professional, which is why it is a good idea to involve your staff in this conversation.

It is vital that you keep the line of communication with staff as open as possible. This means that you will need to clearly explain why you feel that changes are necessary and how they will benefit both staff and the business.

Once you have clearly explained to staff the aims and expected outcomes of this effort, you should open up space for suggestions from staff. The more that staff are involved, the more receptive they will be to change. It is also likely they will offer valuable contributions that you might not have considered.

Think of your Brand Identity

Brand Identity

When you are working to make your staff look more professional, you must carefully consider what professionalism looks like in the context of your brand. For example, while tailored black suits are very smart attire, when they are worn by a team of garage staff, they will look less professional and more like a set of comedic costumes. In this context, having a set of custom hats Colorado and clean jumpsuits will look even more professional than staff wearing suits and ties.

Focus on Grooming

When you are looking to make your staff look more professional, you will not only need to consider what they are wearing but their grooming levels too. No matter how smart the uniform might be, if staff come to work with messy hair or dirty shoes, this will impact the possible look of professionalism. So making sure that all staff come into work looking clean and tidy is vital.

Set Clear Guidelines

Set Clear Guidelines

Once you have decided on a new uniform and look for your staff, it is then useful to create a set of clear guidelines. You should outline what staff need to wear and what you expect from them regarding grooming and personal cleanliness. It is useful to outline what you expect from staff in terms of personal appearance and why. You should quickly explain what your brand identity is and how staff can represent this with how they present themselves in the professional setting.

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