Running a successful small business is all about being able to make the right decision at the right time.

Whether you’re deciding on a new marketing approach or you’re trying to staff your office, understanding exactly what your business needs in order to thrive is a crucial skill. When it comes to staffing, you’re always going to have two options: hiring a full-time employee or hiring a freelancer.

In this post, we’re going to give you a short guide on when to hire a freelancer vs. an employee. For growing businesses, this can be a complex decision, so keep reading and we’ll help you make sense of it all.

When to Hire a Freelancer


It’s never been easier to find a freelancer for any given task. With so much emphasis being placed on the work-life balance, you can get everything from bookkeepers for hire to remote social media managers.

So, when you’re deciding whether or not to hire a freelancer, you need to ask yourself a few questions. What is the task at hand, how long will it take, and how much money do you have?

There’s no denying that hiring different types of freelancers instead of full-time employees will save you money. You can hire on a per-project basis, so even if you’re paying a higher hourly rate for the freelancer, you’re only doing it until the project is completed.

This gives you much more financial freedom as an employer. It also reduces risk because if you hire a freelancer that isn’t getting the job done, you can quickly move on to someone that will. Having access to a wider talent base means that you can find highly qualified people to complete tasks for you at any given time.

When to Hire a Full-Time Employee

Are You Ready to Hire a New Employee

Although there are certain scenarios where hiring a freelancer makes sense, there are some obvious pitfalls as well. Projects that require serious attention and collaboration will require a full-time employee. Sometimes, you really need the commitment to the company that only a full-time employee will provide.

When you hire too many freelancers over employees, you’re going to have a difficult time maintaining the company culture. Employees want to feel valued, so if you’re always hiring important work out to freelancers, they’re going to feel isolated and undervalued.

There are specific positions that simply aren’t conducive to hiring freelancers. Anytime you need someone to develop relationships within the company or with customers, it should be someone that really represents you. Sales and marketing, for instance, are always better with a full-time employee at the helm.

Making the Best Decision for the Future

Making the Best Decision

So, now that you know a bit more about what freelancers and full-time employees bring to the table, you can make the best decision for your company’s future.

At the end of the day, whether or not you hire a freelancer will depend on what task you need to be completed. If it’s something that will become fundamental to your business, it’s probably a job for a full-time employee. If it’s a one-time task, then a freelancer is the better move.

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