PPC is a great way to send traffic to your business website. It’s also profitable when you do it right. Believe it or not, PPC ads are known to have a 200% ROI.

However, it isn’t easy to create ad campaigns that get those kinds of results.

Developing great PPC strategies is critical if you don’t want to waste your whole ad budget. Keep reading to learn how to create a winning PPC strategy that works in Florida.

Determine Your Marketing Goals

business goals

Your PPC campaigns will never be effective when you don’t have marketing goals. It isn’t enough to send visitors to your homepage. Your conversion rate will suffer unless you have an end in mind for your PPC traffic.

Having a goal for your ads will help you craft the proper messaging. Here are a few goals you can consider for your campaigns:

  • Email list signups
  • Product purchases
  • Interview signups
  • Webinar signups
  • Brand exposure

These are only a few broad goals you can consider. You can narrow down your marketing goals with each category to determine what you want. The more you can focus on your goal, the better ads you can create.

Figure Out Your Target Audience

Learning about your target audience is the next step to creating a great PPC ad. General messaging won’t cut it when advertising online. It’s too hard to hone in on someone’s pain point when you don’t address it in your messaging.

Learning about the people who buy your products will help you get out of that trap. Learning about your customer demographics, interests, and pain points will help you write better ads. Once you have a customer persona, you can use it to speak in a way they can understand and can hone in on how your products and services can meet their needs.

Of course, you may have more than one type of customer. Creating multiple customer personas and separate ad groups for each one is another excellent way to hone your marketing campaigns.

Find the Right Target Keywords

Choose High-Low Keywords

Keywords are everything when creating a Google PPC campaign. You’ll use your keywords to target searchers looking for information. If your ad doesn’t satisfy the user’s search intent, you won’t get any clicks.

This is where having a goal in mind comes into play.

Say you want a visitor to purchase a product. The most likely buyers are people using buying keywords that indicate that they’re ready to buy. You target your ad to those people and tell them why they should visit your site and purchase from your business.

You’ll need to create targeted campaigns like this based on your target keywords.

Create Several Ad Campaigns

Now that you have a list of keywords to target with your campaign, you’re ready to write your ad creative. The first thing to consider is your title. You need something that stands out and tells the reader that your site has the answer to their problems.

Your ad description is next. Many people who are attracted to your headline will read the description to learn more. If you can’t convince someone to purchase, you’ll lose the click to a competitor.

You want to do this several times and create several ad campaigns. The last thing you want is to waste your money on one ad, only to discover that it doesn’t deliver results.

Collect Data and Optimize Creatives

How to Recover Data From Your Hard Drive When it Croaks

The chances are good that your ads won’t be profitable when you first create them. They’re going to run at a loss until you make optimizations. To do that, you’ll need to capture data about your campaigns.

You can determine which ads convert by installing tracking software on your website and setting goal pages. If a visitor makes it to a goal page from an ad, that counts as a conversion.

Your goal is to cut the ads that don’t convert well and focus on the ones that show promise. Take the promising ads and create variations of them. You’ll test these ads to see which changes produce the best results.

Repeat this process to get an optimized campaign that produces a lot of profit.

Retarget Visitors That Didn’t Convert

Even with optimized ads, you’ll have many people who don’t convert into customers. If all you do is let those people go without reaching back out, you have a much smaller chance of making a sale in the future.

Most ad platforms have retargeting abilities that let you target people that visit your website. Google, in particular, can create custom audiences that only target people that click on your ads.

Since you’re targeting people who already showed an interest in your products, you’ll have a higher conversion rate with these ads. On top of that, ad retargeting is often cheaper than standard PPC ads.

Continue Learning and Experimenting

Continue Learning

Things can change fast in the PPC world. An ad strategy that you use today may not work as well tomorrow. Many of your ad viewers may also get ad blindness and stop paying attention to your ads.

That’s why you need to be on top of the game if you want to see success in PPC. Luckily, there are countless resources available that can help.

Whether you work with a PPC agency or sign up for an educational resource like Peakseotraining.com, do everything you can to keep up to date.

It Takes Work to Create Great PPC Strategies

You have a lot of money on the line when you invest in paid ads. There’s no guarantee of success, so you’ll waste a lot of your company’s cash if you spend it unwisely. Use the guide above to create PPC strategies that will get results for your Florida business.

Check out the blog to learn more tips that will help you take advantage of the latest digital marketing trends.

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