You’re looking to become an entrepreneur, and you’re tired of your 9 to 5. You know that the American economy is booming, and the cleaning industry is no exception. There are 1,136,663 cleaning service establishments in the United States as of 2022.

The industry, as it is currently, includes cleaning residential, commercial, and other spaces. With this growth, you can bet on one thing, people are going to need cleaning services.

If you need help getting started with your cleaning business, check out our guide below for tips on how to start a cleaning business and more.

Define your Business Model

green cleaning company

You will need to find your niche. Are you going to focus on residential or commercial cleaning? Once you have decided, you will need to gather the necessary supplies.

For a residential cleaning business, you will need things like vacuum cleaners, mops, and cleaning solutions. For a commercial cleaning business, you will need items like floor buffers and Industrial cleaning solutions.

Getting help from business consultants like Debbie Sardone Consulting can direct you to the right path.

Develop a Business Plan Before You Start a Cleaning Business

This will include things like your business name, your target market, and your pricing structure. Once you have a business plan in place, you can start marketing your business. You can do this by creating a website, handing out flyers, and placing ads in local newspapers.

Choose Your Company Name

carpet cleaning tips

Your company name is your brand and it is important to choose an unforgettable name. Keep it short, sweet, and simple. You want your customers to be able to remember your name.

Incorporate the right keyword into your name as this will help customers find you when they are searching online. Be unique and try to stay away from generic names or names that are already taken.

Register Your Business

You can do this by going to the Secretary of State’s website and choosing the entity type that best suits your business. Once you’ve registered your business, you’ll need to get a business license from the city or county in which you’ll be operating.

You’ll need to get liability insurance to protect your new business from any potential lawsuits. Once you’ve taken care of all the legalities, you can start marketing your business and acquiring customers.

Build Your Team

This will be the group of people who will help you carry out the day-to-day operations of the cleaning company. Think about the type of people you will need to hire to get the job done. For example, do you need cleaners, office staff, or both?

Why should you hire a commercial cleaning company

Once you have a good understanding of the types of people you need, you can begin the process of sourcing and interviewing candidates. Be sure to take your time with this step, as the people you hire will be responsible for the success of your cleaning business.

Start Your Cleaning Business Right

The best way to start a cleaning business is to do your research, create a business plan, and then execute your plan. You need to determine what services you will offer, how much you will charge, and what equipment and supplies you will need.

Check out the rest of our blog and learn more today.

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