A compromised website does more than make no sales. It means missing out on one shot at attracting new clients or followers. It damages your brand because you’re closed when you should be open.

It can even lead to invisible issues, like negative SEO and malicious code, both of which can have far-reaching consequences.

So what can you do about it? Well, here are six of the most common business website security mistakes, and what you can do about them.

1. Ignoring Software Updates – One of the Biggest Business Website Security Mistakes

WordPress Website

An incredible 95% of security vulnerabilities on WordPress are due to outdated plugins and themes. No matter the platform underpinning your site, it’s essential to monitor the latest software versions.

Everyone loves new features, but many incremental updates address security issues. As such, it’s vital to deploy regular software updates as soon as they become available.

If you have many websites or lack the resources to check for updates daily, a website maintenance service may be a worthy investment.

2. Improper Procedures for Admins and Editors

People are often the weakest link in any cybersecurity strategy. It’s rarely malicious, but over half of businesses acknowledge that they face internal security threats.

The biggest issues stem from employees that are either irresponsible or uninformed of the risks. It comes down to training. Ensure that anyone with access to your business website’s backend is aware of what they can and cannot do.

Meanwhile, keep track of users and their roles, removing accounts that are no longer valid.

3. Overlooking Encryption

how to add an ssl certificate to a website

It’s impossible to run a business without sensitive information – you need a way for clients and customers to pay you, at the very least. It’s vital to protect this data through encryption.

The best way to do so is to ensure your site’s SSL certificate is up-to-date. If security isn’t enough, also consider that Google acknowledged HTTPS encryption as a ranking factor back in 2014.

4. Weak Password Policies

Passwords are among the most widespread weaknesses in the online world. Tech giants Apple, Microsoft, and Google are currently working to eliminate them entirely.

While weak passwords may soon be a thing of the past, that time may not yet have come for your business.

You can address this through official password policies. If your employees struggle to grasp the policy’s importance, you can go a step further and code password requirements into the site itself.

5. Neglecting Backups

Website Security Mistakes

No business is truly invincible when it comes to cybersecurity. Even the likes of Google and Amazon have long histories on the receiving end of cyberattacks.

Protecting business data is always the best idea, but restoring it in the case of loss is a close second on the priority list.

As with software updates, backups should be regular, and if a business doesn’t have the resources to do so consistently, it’s worth enlisting a third party and their suite of website security tools to ensure you stay on schedule.

6. Ignoring Known Issues

Thriving businesses rely on trust. Allowing a known issue to remain unfixed is a great way to lose customer confidence.

The ultimate responsibility for a secure experience on a website lies with the business itself. It could be considered negligent not to scan for weaknesses and address them before someone else finds them.

It’s always worth making security a priority on new additions, no matter who you use for business website design.

Become a Cybersecurity Enthusiast

The cybersecurity industry is thriving, and it’s a vital consideration for any business owner. While you don’t need to be an expert, awareness of the most significant business website security mistakes is only the start.

Follow the latest trends and ensure your business site is as secure as possible with the tips, guides, and the latest news available across our site!

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