Wouldn’t it be nice to start getting thousands of visitors to your website? What if they all had questions they need to ask before making a purchase?

Would your team be able to handle all of those questions, or does that situation sound stressful? The good news is that you can automate the Q and A process with the help of a knowledge base.

What is a knowledge base? It’s a collection of all the important information about your company, your products, and your services in an easy-to-find and read format. It’s one of the easiest ways to build trust with your potential customers.

So what are the knowledge base benefits you need to be aware of? Keep reading below to learn how this tool can improve employee efficiency today.

Benefits of a Knowledge Base

Business Intelligence Tools

It takes time and effort to build an efficient knowledge base. But considering the amount of time and money it will save in the wrong run, it’s one of the easiest investments you can make in your business.

It benefits both customers and your employees. Your customers will be able to search your knowledge bases finding answers to basic questions.

These questions may be some that are asked daily by potential customers. This can include things like warranty or return policies. It might include care or handling instructions.

There might be posts about how to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel a service or a subscription.

By making a publically searchable knowledge base, you can help thousands of people without having to log thousands of hours on the phone.

Also, the knowledge base is a huge benefit to your team. Your customer support team will still need to handle incoming queries and will need to respond quickly and effectively.

Your employees can comb through the knowledge bases and point customers in the right direction, helping to solve problems much faster.

All of this saves your employees time, which saves your company money, which also boosts customer satisfaction.

What Is a Knowledge Base?

Remote Business

A knowledge base is a digital portal organized with answers to any and every question a potential or current customer might have. It’s the easiest way to handle knowledge management across your company.

Basically, it’s a subset of web pages, often hosted under a subdomain. This makes it look like it’s part of your website but is typically created using a separate software provider.

It’s easy to set up, allowing you to create categories of information such as technical assistance, billing, new sales, and more. You can create individual posts that answer single questions. Or you can create longer pages of information that cover an entire topic in depth.

When the knowledge base is public-facing, it acts as a form of ticket deflection. Before customers can start a new chat, the knowledge base can recommend information based on their queries to hopefully solve the problem without employee interaction.

And it also acts as an employee self-service station. They can find all of the information they need in one place without having to ask other employees or supervisors, making the whole operation more efficient.

And the best part is that IT service management providers will make it as easy as possible to set up the ideal knowledge base for your company.

Knowledge Base

Help More Users Faster Using a Knowledge Base

So what is a knowledge base, and how can it help your company? It’s a virtual portal designed to answer as many of your customer’s questions without individual attention from employees, saving time and money.

They are easier than ever to set up, and every business should have one.

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