Did you know that almost 40% of consumers make purchases inside a physical store at least once a week while only 27% do the same online?

Despite online shopping’s popularity, most people prefer to do their shopping in-store. Although this is great news for retail stores, it takes more than a statistic to bring people in.

Create an effective retail store display to attract customers. Keep reading to learn how.

Add Greenery

Retail Store

Adding greenery can help you create an effective retail store display. Greenery makes an environment more inviting.

Welcome customers with plants, fake or real, so that they end up spending more time in your store. The longer they are there, the more they are likely to spend!

Go Seasonal

One of the best display tips is to go seasonal! Everyone loves a festive environment.

For example, you can change your store window frequently to reflect the season. Your store window is viewed the most so make it memorable.

During the holidays, you can add festive lights. When the spooky season arrives, get creative with a haunting display.

Utilize Text

Effective Retail Store

You can increase sales by telling your customers what promotions you have going on or simply by telling them how much the items are.

In a window display, your goal is to get people who are passing by to stop inside. Texts increase the chances of them slowing down and taking a longer look at what you have to offer.

Having the right amount of text is key to this technique. A business owner should know that no customer is going to stop to read a novel.

No more than a sentence is the general rule if you expect to increase business. Ensure whatever you use won’t take too much time to read. Don’t forget to make the text readable with a large enough font.

Add Lighting

Another one of the business tips for displays is to make use of good lighting. Accent lighting can catch the attention of potential customers and show off your items better.

For example, if you are using gridwall panels, add an accent light pointing towards the items to show them off.

A retail store that is well-lit creates visual interest while making your best products pop.

Get Colorful

Your retail store

Bright and colorful themes don’t work for all retail stores, but if you find that a lot of your items are colorful, this is a great tip to follow.

Put together your colorful items to create a rainbow display that forces customers to get a little closer and check things out. This is a great way to catch attention.

Create an Effective Retail Store Display

Your retail store display can act as free marketing if you decorate it to attract the attention of your customers.

The above tips are things you can do for window displays and inside-the-store displays.

Add greenery, decorate based on the season, and utilize text. Add lighting and get colorful to catch attention and make certain items pop.

Use this guide to create an effective retail store display and don’t forget to come back to our blog for more business tips.

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