Did you know that the average cost of IT downtime is over $1,400 per minute? While this will vary depending on the size and type of business that you’re running, that’s money that you can’t afford to lose.

It’s time to consider investing in managed IT services.

But if you’re a small business owner, are managed IT services really worthwhile? Let’s talk about it. Read on to learn all about a few top benefits of investing in managed IT services.

1. Saving Money

Saving Money

In 2022, every business relies at least somewhat on technology. You’re going to need to spend money to support your technology, but this can get pricey for a small business owner with tight margins.

You could, of course, invest in a full in-house IT team, but you’ll need to pay everyone a fair salary (which may be out of range for you at the moment). Having one in-house IT worker is helpful for any business, but that person likely isn’t capable of handling every IT problem that could pop up.

You could wait and hire a contractor when things go awry, but this means that you’re putting your business at risk (and you’ll be spending a lot of money for emergency IT help).

When you work with a managed IT company, you pay a flat rate every month to get services all the time. It’s the most affordable option.

2. Better Overall IT Security

Your business’s security is about more than your brick-and-mortar location. Your digital security is key. Poor digital security can lead to customer distrust, loss of important information, and loss of money.

Sure, you could just opt for free security software, but are you really ready to take that risk?

Cybersecurity tips

Managed IT services will help you with cybersecurity compliance and data protection, so you know that your business security is in good hands.

3. Around-the-Clock Support

Let’s say that you have one great in-house IT person or even a full team of in-house IT professionals already. You don’t need to worry about managed IT services then, right?

Unless you’re paying your employees overnight, you’re leaving your technology vulnerable during your off-hours. IT disasters don’t wait for you to clock in every morning and start your workday.

When you use managed IT services, you can have support at any hour of the day. Not only will they catch problems and keep everything running overnight, but you can also reach out if you have questions or concerns, regardless of the hour.

4. Complete Scalability

So what if your business is just getting started? You know that you should invest in IT services, but you also know that you want your business to grow. Should you bother with managed IT services now if you’ll just need to move on to something bigger in the future?

IT services


Managed IT services are scalable. This means that the services can grow and adjust with your business as your needs change. When you need something new, you can add it.

Managed IT Services Can Benefit Your Business

So are you convinced? Managed IT services can be hugely beneficial to your business, regardless of whether you’re a new small business owner or you have a growing and thriving business to manage.

Talk to a local managed IT service provider today and see the difference. For more helpful articles about business and more, visit the rest of the site.

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