It’s a question that pops up more often than you’d think, which is why we thought we’d write a quick post, detailing the process of what wildlife removal experts do, and how a visit from a wildlife removal company like Wildlife X Team will work.

So, obviously, the primary purpose of the business is to remove nuisance wildlife from human properties, including private or commercial buildings. The business focuses on providing a humane alternative for homeowners, so that they’ll be rid of a problem, without actually harming the wild animal that’s been bothering them. Humane wildlife removal typically takes the nuisance wildlife, and transports it to a safe location, far away from where they picked it up and set it free.

What Kind Of Animals Are Handled By Wildlife Removal?

Wildlife Removal

Of course, the type of animals removed will vary from business to business, but most wildlife removal companies will take care of raccoons, opossums, squirrels, skunks, rats, mice, bats, and snakes. Some companies will also handle gophers, woodpeckers, pigeons, and so on.

A question the wildlife removal experts often get asked is – do wildlife removal companies deal with nuisance cats or dogs? The answer to that is no, a wildlife removal company won’t help you with a bothersome cat or dog. For that, you will need to call local animal services, instead (which, in turn, won’t usually handle the wild animals handled by a wildlife removal team).

What Does A Visit From Wildlife X Team Look Like?

If you’ve been lucky enough never to need wildlife removal services before, let us tell you a bit about what a visit from us looks like.


wildlife removal service

The first thing wildlife removal professionals do is inspect the property. They do this to get some basic information on the situation, such as confirming the type of animal involved, as well as the number of animals on the property. This initial assessment may also help us understand how the wild animal got into the home (e.g. through a broken window, or a crack in the wall), and that will be important in the restoration process, later on.

During this initial stage, they also work out our wildlife removal plan, leaving a place for your input. They will design a humane but effective plan for removing the wild animal from your property, and safely relocating it to a new location.


wildlife removal service

Next comes the actual removal part. Most commonly, they will use live trapping or an exclusionary device, to get the animal out of your home. Of course, the removal process will also vary from case to case, since some situations may be more complex than others (such as, if there are cubs present).

Clean-Up And Restoration

This last part depends on the company you hire, but be aware that most wildlife removal companies will charge extra for the clean-up and restoration process. Cleaning up the area where a wild animal lived is highly important, since it disinfects, and makes that area of the house inhabitable again.

Wild animals expose you to a host of serious diseases, through shed skin/fur, feces, urine, and other fluids. These diseases may become airborne in time, and pose a serious threat to your health.

The restoration part of the process involves repairing and replacing the surfaces damaged by the wild animal that lived on your property. This can mean replacing insulation or electrical wires, as well as damaged support structures, according to the situation.

All in all, the clean-up and restoration service is as vital as the wildlife removal itself, as it makes your home safe to live in.

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