Did you know that cards started as trade cards in England during the 17th century? If you are in the process of choosing your business cards, you might be feeling overwhelmed because after all, this is a visual print representation of your business and brand. Our guide below will go over the two most common finish choices: glossy business card vs matte.

Read on business to learn more so that you can make an informed decision while you’re shopping.

Matte Coat

metal business cards

In modern times matte business cards are becoming more popular because it gives the card a more contemporary look and makes it look polished. This is also a great choice for those opting for a minimalistic feel and look.

It is also popular to opt for matte metal business cards because these cards really make a business stand out. A pro about a matte finish is that you never have to worry about fingerprints or glare. Plus, if you ever have to write something on a card when handing it to someone, you can write on it without worrying that the ink will rub or smudge off.

A con is that if you opt for a higher quality card stock the price can be a bit more. Another con is that some matte cards might not look good with lots of colors. So, if your design will have bright colors or an elaborate colorful design, matte might not be the best choice.

Gloss Coat

Business Cards

If you are looking for a classic look, a glossy business card will give you that esthetic. For cards that have a lot of color detail, the glossy finish will help those colors stand out even more.

Another benefit of gloss is that it adds an extra layer of protection making it harder to tear them. This means that your cards will last longer and will still look good after some time.

One of the cons is that fingerprints are more noticeable on a glossy finish. Also, some details might be hard to see in certain lighting because the shininess can give off a glare. One last con is that if you need to write on them, it is not as easy because the ink will usually wipe right off.

Keep in mind that gloss finish is not considered as cutting edge as a matte look. For those in an industry that is technologically advanced or wants to be seen as someone on the cutting edge, then a glossy finish might not be the best choice.

Designing a business card

Feeling Like a Glossy Business Card vs Matte Pro?

Now that you are aware of the glossy business card vs matte debate, you can make an informed decision on which business card is best for your needs. The key is to choose a card that represents your true self.

If our article helped you out, please continue browsing the rest of our business section for our latest tips.

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