Custom keychain ideas. They seem like little throwaway, novelty accessories sometimes. But don’t let the small stature fool you. Keychains are an invaluable marketing tool because they are small and inexpensive. You can buy a bunch of them and simply give them away at store events, trade shows, conferences, and conventions. You can also customize and sell them. Keychains can have a high marketing ROI compared to their price (and also depending on your conversion rates). You can use the keychain to promote your business, advertise a special offer, fire up a new marketing campaign, or pretty much any application you desire. Offering keychains is but one part of the process, though. You’ll need to decide what kinds of keychains to offer, how to customize them, and determine a distribution channel. To get you started, here are five types of custom keychain ideas that customers tend to love.

Marketing With Custom Keychains


USB Keychains

USB keychains can be a fun addition to any set of keys. In our technology and data-filled world, it only makes sense to keep some sort of storage media on your person. Instead of keeping a USB drive floating around in the chasm of one’s pockets, why not put it on your keys? A USB keychain is a great promo item because it can give customers a ton of value while also passively displaying your logo (and thus, generating impressions for your brand). The only drawback is that not everybody uses a computer with a USB port as much as they used to. Still, a USB keychain can offer plenty of value and return on investment as part of your promotional keychain grab bag.

Flashlight Keychains

Another type of keychain that works well for promotional purposes is a flashlight keychain. These are just small flashlights, usually powered by a watch battery or led, that is attached to a keychain. The flashlight itself should contain your company logo and possibly a URL or contact info. A flashlight keychain can come in handy when least expected. Customers can get plenty of value and usage out of them while also being able to have a convenient light at any given time. Mixing these fun custom keychains into your promotional toolbox can be worthwhile and help you take your keychain game to the next level.

Tape Measure Keychains

Tape Measure Keychains

Although a tape measure keychain might not seem like a popular choice at first, never underestimate the need to measure something on a win. Imagine you have to ship packages through the postal service or a third party like ups. These services often charge postage rates based on the size and weight of a package. Now, a tape measure isn’t going to help you determine the weight of something, but it will help your measure. You can simply measure the length, width, and height of the package and be able to pay the minimum amount necessary to send it. It also works for special projects or when doing any kind of building/repairs. Sometimes getting your regular tape measure from the Toolbox isn’t always convenient. Having one on your keys, however, can save you some time and energy when you need to measure something in a pinch. More than that, tape measure keychains can also just be a fun novelty. Sometimes they can come with different logos and shapes, offering a unique conversation piece for you and your friends.

Lottery Scratcher Keychains

Playing the lottery via scratch tickets is a big business these days. In some states, scratch tickets are an incredibly popular item. For the people in your life who love lottery tickets and often buy scratchers, why not offer a lottery scratcher keychain? Instead of desperately searching for a coin somewhere in the crevices of their vehicle or home, a lottery scratcher is right there on your keys ready to be used. Offering these as a promotional item can be a fun and novel way to engage with your customers during an event or as an impulse purchase at the cash register.

Pick Keychains

Guitar Pick Keychains

For the musician in someone’s life, guitar picks are a plentiful commodity that never seems to be around when you need one. They get lost easily, broken, fall inside the soundhole of the guitar, and just otherwise disappear at random. A guitar pick keychain can offer a fun and quirky promotional item to your customers who merely love guitars or want to have one in a conveniently reliable location (on their keys). Plus, it’s always fun to bust out a guitar pick and play whenever there’s a guitar around, right? Either way, these keychains offer a fun novelty for your customers that can help create some positive buzz around your brand.

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