Having a great product isn’t enough to get people to buy. When there’s so much competition in every industry, you need to do whatever possible to stand out.

Given that 72% of people say a product’s packaging plays a critical role in their purchasing decision, that makes packaging a great place to start. But it’s not always easy to develop a unique packaging design.

Proper business packaging can make the difference between a successful product and a flop, so it pays to invest as much as possible in your packaging design. Use the four packaging tips below to create a fantastic design.

1. Don’t Use Generic Packaging

Generic Packaging

Yes, using custom packaging costs more money. Every graphic and color you add to your package will add to your cost. That costs a lot of money when you begin shipping many products.

But it’s hard to stand out when you have a brown, generic package sitting next to something unique. A customer’s eye will drift to your competition’s product instead of yours. Whether designing for in-store purchases or creating customized shipping labels for online sales, create something unique that will help people remember your products and brand.

2. Highlight the Benefits

It’s hard for a customer to determine if a product is worth it just by reading product features. Yes, listing features is a great way to inform people about a product. But how do those features benefit a consumer?

People are more likely to purchase a product if they understand how it benefits them. Focus on highlighting real consumer benefits if you want to resonate with people.


3. Get the Size Right

Size plays a significant role when creating product packaging. If you try to fit a small product in a big package, you’ll be stuck with higher material costs because of a larger outer area and more internal packaging to keep your product safe.

On the other hand, small packages leave you less room to talk about your product. You may not be able to fully cover all your product’s benefits if you make your packaging too small.

Try to find the sweet spot with your product size to fully explain your product and minimize waste.

4. Make Packaging User Friendly

Most people have had frustrating experiences with packaging. They get something they really like, only to spend a ton of time attempting to take the packaging apart.

Most people don’t enjoy this process. They want to enjoy their new purchase instead of trying to get through the package.

packaging designs

There are many packaging designs that are easy to open. Invest in those designs to ensure the people buying aren’t frustrated by your product’s first impression after taking it home.

Don’t Wait to Use These Packaging Tips

Your packaging is often the first thing customers see when they find your products. They see it on store shelves and in pictures online. But your product will likely be surrounded by your competition and have trouble standing out if you have a terrible design.

That’s where excellent product packaging helps. A great packaging design will catch someone’s eye and make them more interested in what your company offers. Use the packaging tips above to create a better product.

Check out the blog if you’re interested in reading more small business tips that will help you grow your company.

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