When you’re a builder or a tradesperson who is just starting out or looking for that next big job, it can be difficult to know how to stand out and make a strong impression on your customers.

And while there are some fundamentals that can help you to look more professional and trustworthy, like knowing how to write a building quote or having customer reviews to confirm the satisfaction of your previous customers, there are many other ways for you to stand out and get more customers.


A good old-fashioned flyer is still a very effective way of earning some more business. It’s also a very cost-effective marketing tool! It can be a time-consuming affair, but if you target the right places like community centres, letterboxes, and local stores, you can cultivate a small but beneficial network of customers within your very own postcode.


Organize Your Email

Email marketing can accomplish several things at once for tradespeople and builders. Not only can it give you the chance to form new relationships and cultivate strong interactions with your target customers, but it can also keep people updated on your latest work and any other noteworthy things happening with your business.

Keep things simple but informative and always end with your contact details. Remember that every email you send needs to be as professional as possible. All it takes is one poorly written email to cause doubt in a potential customer.

Social Media

Social media errors

Social media will always be the best place to generate some new business and get your name out there. And it’s not always a matter of paying for your advertising either. Of course, Facebook ads and other PPC campaigns can reap fantastic results, but for tradespeople or builders looking for a more cost-effective method of advertising, there are other ways of generating a buzz.

Consider searching for posts on Reddit or Twitter that refer to your specific trade within your area. Make people aware of your presence and put a person to their needs.


2 person handshaking

Tradespeople tend to get to know other tradespeople pretty quickly, even if you don’t both work in the same line of work. In fact, the differences in your careers can come in handy when generating more work. What building project doesn’t require an electrician? And what electrical work won’t need plastering over?

It’s within these potential partnerships that you can gain far more business and get your name out there. This can even lead to things like a finders fee for the recommendation, and a cohesive system between workers that helps everyone to earn more and gain more visibility.

End Note

While these 4 methods for builders and tradespeople to stand out from the crowd may seem a little too simplistic, they are the pillars on which you should start to build up your contacts and business reputation. In time, if you stick to these ideas, they will continue to develop into a strong and dependable stream of new business and loyal customers.

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