Americans have a reputation for living to work instead of working to live. Americans regularly don’t use their vacation time opting to instead to stay put at their desks. In fact, 54% of Americans use half of their PTO days or less.

But, for workers who do manage to take a vacation other stressors can arise. Aside from work piling up and missing meetings, vacationers also worry about their belongings left at home.

Money stored in our home is exceptionally vulnerable. For a burglar, finding your money stash is the best outcome possible as it’s easy to carry, untraceable, and immediately useful unlike the effort it takes to pawn a TV.

We need to take much-needed breaks from work in order to rejuvenate ourselves while we’re away so we can be more productive upon our return.

So, how can you keep your money and valuables safe while you’re away on holiday?

Read on to learn exactly how to keep money safe at home while you’re away so that you can enjoy complete rest and relaxation you deserve on your vacation.

Pre-Travel Guide: How to Keep Money Safe at Home While You’re on Vacation

Going on vacation and visiting beautiful destinations bring endless amounts of great memories. Great memories are difficult to make when you’re worried about your belongings at home. Explore the following tips to ensure that your money is safe and sound at home.

1. Buried Treasure

Burying your money is a great way to keep it safe and out of the hands of thieves. Because well, what burglar brings a shovel with them?

To start, secure your cash and small valuables in a durable plastic bag. Make sure the bag is air-tight and doesn’t have any holes. Even small holes could allow moisture to enter into the bag which could destroy your cash.

The last thing you want is for Mother Nature to “steal” your cash!

After you find a durable plastic bag, it’s time to find a spot to bury your cash. Select a spot that doesn’t get much use and that won’t be disturbed by your digging pet or gardener. Your hiding spot needs to be roughly one foot by one foot.

Make a clear mental note of where your spot is so that in the future you don’t need to dig up your whole yard to find it. A great tip is to find a landmark near where the cash is buried. For example, near a tree, a bench, or a flower pot.

Lastly, it’s time to dig! Dig a hole about one foot deep and one foot wide. This will allow you to place the bag gently in the hole without damaging it.

2. In Plain Sight

Most burglars check underneath your mattress and other objects, in drawers, and in your closet. These traditional hiding spaces may at first seem safe since they are out of sight, but when you’re away there’s no telling how long a burglar might have to thoroughly look through your things.

Hiding in plain sight where burglars simply wouldn’t consider looking is a pretty safe bet. The key to hiding items in plain sight is to create a hiding place that is disguised by an everyday object. For example, in a book on your bookshelf, inside a clock, or inside a hollow broom or duster.

It’s also important to not hide items in plain sight when the item is meant to hold objects in the first place. For example, vases, small boxes, or flower pots. Burglars may check these items as a last ditch resort before exiting your home, so it’s best to avoid items like these as your hiding place.

3. Behind Home Structures

Existing home structures are great hiding places for cash and valuables. Home structures such as floorboards, pipes, and air vents easily hide your cash and are unlikely places for thieves to look.

You can also create false home structures which appear like they are functioning but actually don’t. For example, you can install a faux power outlet or vent in your basement which is actually equipped to contain your emergency stash.

4. Tried and True Safe

Safes are the classic hiding spaces for valuables and money, but they also come with their pitfalls. Small safes can be easily hauled off with the rest of your belongings where thieves can break into them in private.

Large, heavy, and secure safes, however, are an option. When looking for a safe note the weight. You want the safe to be large and heavy enough that it won’t be easily moved. You also want the safe to be able to be bolted down to the ground for added security.

The code to your safe also needs to be kept safe. Ideally, in your head. You could also hide the code in another location, but know that this comes with risks.

Remember, if the code is discovered then anyone could unlock it anytime possibly without your knowledge depending on the safe.

5. Security System

The best defense is a good offense. Security systems add an additional layer to money’s safety by deterring burglars from breaking in in the first place.

Security systems don’t need to be expensive either. Some security systems can simply be alarms on each window and door which sounds when tripped. These items can be purchased separately to accommodate your needs and concerns individually.

Other security system options include cameras, door chimes, and driveway probes which sound when a car drives over it.

A security company, such as Lifeshield, can also monitor your home 24/7 even when you’re away on vacation. If an alarm is set off, your monitoring company can instantly notify the police and can contact you to let you know. This way you’ll know exactly when it’s time to worry and when you can simply relax on your getaway.

When purchasing a home security system get the best quality of options available on your budget. The more options, devices, and services, the better!

6. Trustworthy Housesitter

Having a trustworthy housesitter stay at your home while you’re away can help to put your mind at ease. You absolutely don’t need to inform them where your money stashes are, however, even if they are trustworthy.

Having a house sitter who’s there the majority of time will be present if anyone tries to break in. Their presence alone, however, will likely deter burglars from breaking into your home.

Make sure that you know your housesitter well before welcoming them into your home. The worst thing you want to do is invite a thief in disguise into your home to rummage through your things while you’re away.

When you return from your vacation, feel free to visit your cash hiding places to ensure that the money is still there. Better safe than sorry!

At the very least, ask a trustworthy neighbor or friend to pick up your mail so it looks like you’re home.

7. Smart House Technology

If you’re uncomfortable allowing someone to stay at your home while you’re away, invest in smart home technologies. Smart home technologies can make it seem like someone is home when you’re actually away.

Smart home technologies allow you to control your home’s lighting, heating and cooling systems, and more. You can also program your lights to turn on and off at specific times to make it look like someone is home. This could potentially deter burglars from targeting your home.

Smart technology is also accessible to every budget. You can purchase single wall plugins that connect to your wifi for less than $20.

8. Hold the Pictures

While on vacation, avoiding posting any photos on social media. As much as this may seem like a buzzkill, it’s important to not let the world wide web know that you’re away from your home. There’s certainly no need to be paranoid, but better safe than sorry.

Speak with your family and other household members to ensure that they won’t post any photos either. Instead, post pictures when you return home from your vacation.

Feeling More Confident about How to Keep Money Safe at Home While You’re Away?

Knowing how to keep money safe at home while you’re away puts your mind at ease. The safer you feel the more you can enjoy your vacation and get rid of those PTO days!

And, the more safety precautions and clever hiding spaces you have, the more you can enjoy that pina colada with zero worries.

If Rome is your intended vacation destination, then make sure to check out our blog post to learn all about the top must-see Rome attractions!

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