Approximately 20% of American adults experience chronic pain. 8% experience high-impact chronic pain that may limit their daily activities.

Chronic pain is an epidemic globally, and long-term use of over the counter medicine can cause side effects. Patients may misuse prescription medicine and become dependent on them.

Medicines such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen are effective pain relievers, but they only last for a few hours. Also, they may not be effective in treating some chronic pain linked to some medical conditions.

However, there are people who live with chronic pain and manage to find relief. They use alternative medicines and therapeutic treatments.

Research continues to explore the use of alternative remedies for pain like essential oils, herbs, and therapies.

Are you suffering from chronic pain? Perhaps it’s time you tried alternative therapies.

Here’s a guide to holistic pain management.

1. Aromatherapy

This is the use of naturally extracted aromatic plant essences that are either applied or inhaled by patients. It plays a major role in boosting the holistic treatment of the mind, body, and soul. It is designed to affect the whole person by assisting the body to naturally balance, regulate, and heal by using essential oils.

Consult a professional who can guide you on what essential would work for you.

Commonly used essential oils include peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender essential oils, and rosemary essential oils. They help relieve anxiety, insomnia, headaches and bone pains. They also reduce inflammation and boost your memory.

2. Acupuncture

The acupuncture practitioners place very thin needles at strategic places in your body. This helps stimulate your nervous system up to the brain and promote the natural healing process.

It treats back pain, headaches, and internal issues such as digestive issues, constipation, and difficulty in conceiving. It also boots your immunity system and helps with a skin condition like eczema.

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment and pain management therapy. The therapy remedies physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

3. Yoga for Holistic Pain Management

This is a physical meditation practice that helps to relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and stress by stretching and extreme physical therapy.

4. Hypnosis

Hypnosis treatment taps into your subconscious mind and helps modify your old beliefs or behaviors into what you want. It will help you change your learned behaviors. It also aids in pain management by making you release negative emotions, boosting your self-esteem and confidence, curb weight loss among other issues.

Always consult a certified and licensed practitioner before going for this therapy

5. Integrative Nutrition

This looks at the role of nutrition in human health and diseases. The integrative nutritionists see food as medicine and focus on nourishing the body and not just looking at calorie intake or diet plans. This will help in maintaining your optimal health and well-being disease prevention.

Experience Optimal Health

When you seek alternative holistic pain management therapies, ensure you do proper research on the therapy. This action will help you avoid aggravating the pain.

If existing chronic diseases may be the cause of pain, it’s wise to ask your doctor whether or not you can integrate these therapeutic remedies with prescription medicines. Contact us to see if we can help you with your pain.

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