Are you a recent college graduate looking for your first job? If so, congratulations! After all, the start of your career is a very exciting time in life.

Or perhaps you’re a high school graduate preparing for your first semester of college. This means you’ll be investigating possible careers so that you can pursue the perfect degree.

Get The Pro Tips for Entry Level Finance Jobs

Whichever the case, finance remains on the best careers you could pursue. If you’re curious about the best paying jobs in finance, you’ve come to the right place for answers

This article takes at entry level finance jobs that can eventually lead to the big bucks. Keep reading to get the inside scoop.

1. Entry Level Finance Jobs

First, let’s take a look at some of the best entry level jobs available in finance major jobs.

  • Loan Officer – this is a position at all banks, from small hometown banks to giant banking institutions in major cities. The duties of loan officers include helping customers locate the right type of loan to meet their needs and then to facilitate the loan application process.
  • Financial Analyst – the role of a financial analyst is the review and consider a wide range of statistics regarding investment opportunities, and then to offer counsel about which of those investment opportunities should be pursued and which ones should be avoided.
  • Financial Auditor – the primary role of a financial auditor is to closely monitor a company’s financial statement, to check for inaccuracies, and then to make note of any red flags that might be discovered.
  • Investment Analyst – the role of an investment analyst is to determine the most viable investment options for a company. This is a position that’s typically available at a wide range of financial institutions.
  • Accountant – accounting is one of the most in-demand careers in finance, providing unlimited opportunity for advancement. You could work as a corporate accountant in a major company, or even open your own business and become a CPA for private individuals.
  • Junior Tax Associate – the good news about anyone wanting to pursue a career as a tax associate is that taxes will never go away. This means that you can always count on job security. The role of a tax associate is to help companies or private citizens navigate the complex tax system so that they remain in compliance with all state and federal regulations.

This list of jobs is obviously just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to opportunities in this exciting industry. The key is to select the career path that best fits your personal talents and interests.

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2. Go with Your Strengths

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. One of the keys to life is to identify your personal strengths and then to leverage those strengths into a fruitful career.

This is especially important when it comes to starting a career in finance. After all, this is an industry that requires the ability to deal with numbers and other types of complex data. Thus you need to have an innate skill for this type of work while also finding it enjoyable.

3. Talk to a Mentor

One of the best tips for building a career in finance is to find a mentor who can serve as a guide in navigating your career.

A good mentor is someone who’s already been successful in the industry that you’re interested in becoming a part of. They can offer advice, help you understand potential pitfalls, and help you understand how to maximize every decision you make along the way.

Having a mentor is one of the best tools you can have in any industry. They will serve as a sounding board, your biggest cheerleader, as well as a source of unbiased feedback.

4. Know What You Don’t Want to Do

While you need to have specific goals, you also need to have an understanding of what you don’t want. After all, a big part of reaching your desired destination is avoiding the wrong destinations.

In other words, make sure that you are very clear about what you don’t want to do in order to avoid distractions.

5. Get a Specific Education

Most careers in finance require a specific college degree. And while you can certainly pursue an entry level job in fiance without at least an undergraduate degree, your career path will be far more challenging and it will take you longer to get where you’re wanting to go.

While a specific college degree is often required for most finance roles, additional certifications can further enhance your prospects and accelerate your career progression. One notable certification in the finance industry is Series 7, a comprehensive examination administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in the United States. This exam assesses the competency of individuals seeking to become registered representatives, allowing them to sell securities and provide investment advice to clients. To prepare for the certification exam, individuals can check this Series 7 test modules and study guide, which will help them form a thorough understanding of the material and increase their chances of success. By obtaining certifications like the Series 7, finance professionals can strengthen their skill set, gain industry recognition, and open doors to more advanced positions and lucrative opportunities.

Here’s more info on how to start career in finance.

6. Seek an Internship

Even before you complete your education, consider getting an internship in the finance industry. This is a great way to get first-hand experience and will look great on your resume. An internship will also give you the chance to expand your professional network.

7. Start Garnering the Right Credentials

There are plenty of details on your resume that will impress potential employers. Beyond your degree and GPA, you should consider taking the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam, and the SIE for those planning to deal in investments and other financial products

8. Learn to Network

Never underestimate the power of a strong professional network. While not everyone enjoys networking or considering themselves to be particularly social, learning to network is an essential skill for developing important relationships within your industry.

These are connections that can help you get where you are going and can help you to advance in your career even in an incredibly competitive job market in finance major jobs.

9. Study the Lingo

You need to learn to walk the walk and talk the talk. Learn the lingo of your industry so that you can have an intelligent conversation with anyone at any time, regardless of their job title.

10. Never Stop Educating Yourself

Success in corporate finance jobs means that you can never stop learning. After all, getting a job in finance isn’t the finish, it’s only the beginning. You need to continue to educate yourself and develop a thirst for knowledge. This will help you stand out from your peers and make you a more valuable asset to your employer.

A Guide to Entry Level Finance Jobs You Should Pursue

If you’re ambitious, the sky is the limit. The key is to have a plan and never give up. Fortunately, this guide to entry level fiance jobs will help you get started on the right path for finance major jobs.

Keep scrolling to discover more great career and lifestyle advice on our job section’s blog!

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