Were you recently in a car accident and you’re not sure how to pay for attorney fees? Did you know that in only 3 seconds of distraction, a driver can be involved in a car crash?

In this article, explore how to finance an accident attorney. Don’t let finances get in the way of the help you need today. Read on to discover these tips you won’t want to miss to ensure you get the help you need and deserve after an accident.

There are different types of legal fees which can include flat, hourly, retainer, statutory, and contingency fees. Contingency fees mean that there will be a charge in the beginning. Your attorney will also receive a % of your settlement.

Flat Fees

Flat fees are given in transactions that aren’t complicated. You’ll know what the expense will be.

Retainer Fees

For a retainer fee, they’re placed into a private account. Your lawyer will then take away the fees from the account. The balance that’s left will return to you.

Statutory Fees

This is where the court will require the fee to be set or approved in advance. You’ll want to find out if this is the fee you’ll be receiving.

Hourly Rates

This is one of the more common fees you’ll see from an attorney. The price for an attorney will vary from the size of the city. A lower rate doesn’t mean it’ll be less, because it depends on how long it takes them to do the case.

Personal Loans

Personal loans are best when you’re looking for how to pay for legal fees. Whether you’re looking to borrow $1,000 or $50,000, there’s a range you can choose from.

Personal loans allow you to pay them back in small amounts over a period of time. They’re great for when you need a one-time legal expense.

Credit Cards

If you’re looking to hire an Uber accident attorney, consider using a credit card. This is a way to have the charges go straight to your credit card, and then pay it off over time.

Whether this will work for you depends on:

  • The time it’ll take you to pay it off
  • Interest
  • If you’ll be approved
  • Your credit score

A lender will look at your credit score to decide if you’ll be approved for a credit loan. This will also determine your annual percentage rate(APR), which is the interest you’ll pay every year.

Another option is what’s known as the Legal Services Corporation. They give funding for different legal aid services.


Check out crowdfunding to find an alternative to financing legal fees. It’s a great way to share with your network on social media and expand to others, not just family and friends.

Payment Plans

When you’re exploring how to finance attorneys, you’ll want to see if they offer payment plans. Some attorneys will offer a discount if you pay all at once, but if you can’t, then you can pay over time.

Lawsuit Loan

If you’re planning on suing the other person in the accident and anticipate compensation, you can go with a lawsuit loan. It’s a pre-settlement lawsuit that’s similar to a cash advance.

This shouldn’t be your top option since pre-settlement funding can have risks. You can receive a processing fee along with interest and principal. You could wind up owing more than you receive in court.

Pro Bono

If you’re low on money, some lawyers will offer you a discounted rate or waive all fees. This occurs if you have a low income. Certain law firms will require their attorneys to take so many pro bono cases per year.

Family and Friends

If you have smaller legal fees, you might be able to ask for help from your family and friends. This is a great way to avoid having to pay interest.

If you do have to pay interest back to them, it’ll normally be a lower rate. Only do this route if you intend on paying it since it can hurt relationships if you’re not able to pay it back.

A Personal Line of Credit

If you’re not sure how long it’ll take you to pay legal fees, you can look into a personal line of credit. This is where you’ll be able to use a line of credit for borrowing money at any time instead of a lump sum.

You’ll only pay fees or interest on the amount you borrow. Your credit line will vary from lender to lender. Many offer it up to a certain amount.

You might be able to recoup the amount you paid in legal fees from tax returns. Some legal fees might be able to be deducted from your taxes. Speak with your accountant to see if you qualify.

How to Pick Out an Attorney

Before deciding on one attorney, it’s a good idea to find out if the consultation will be free, or if there will be a fee. When you go for the consultation, bring a notepad and pen. Ask them what they charge, and what their fees are like.

You’ll also want to find out if they offer financing options. Ensure that you bring all supporting documents with you to the meeting. Plan out in advance any questions you’ll want to ask them.

Some questions you can ask can include how many years they’ve been practicing, similar cases they’ve had to yours and how they turned out, etc. Also, find out about communication. How they’ll remain in contact with you throughout the case.

Exploring How to Finance an Attorney

Now that you’ve explored how to finance an attorney, you should be well on your way to finding a financing plan that works for you. Looking to read more about lifestyle and health? For everything from anxiety relief to succeeding in school online, check out our other articles today.

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