Just as in any other country, the methods to buy or sell bitcoins in Florida are the same.

The Bitcoin market in Florida is booming as bitcoin has reached astronomical levels for the last couple of years, like in December 2017, when its value reached $20 000. Smart traders have become millionaires, and many crypto enthusiasts want to make some money by speculating bitcoin.

If you are wondering how to buy bitcoin in Florida we give you viable options listed below.

Check these out

1. Money Transfer Platforms

There are so many money transfer platforms that are a fast and reliable way to get your bitcoin online. One of the most common is Paypal. Their fees may be costly, but their service is verified and secured. Some crypto platforms offer only PayPal as the option.

2. Buy Bitcoin with Cash

It is possible to buy bitcoins with hard cash, which is an excellent way if you want your coins straight away. To buy cryptocurrencies in Florida with cash, many vendors offer this service. To find them, you will have to dedicate your time to some research. It’s important to find trustworthy individuals. You can find them on many websites that have placed the ads and reviews about the best one. Read reviews and spare yourself the adversities of scammers and fraudulent individuals.

3. Bitcoin ATMs

BitcoinATMs are more and more accessible to the crypto community all over the world. Florida is one of the first places to have these machines, and there are approximately 20 bitcoin ATMs at this moment in Florida. These ATMs are placed in strategic locations, most likely at the gas stations or roadside motels. Their operation is quite the same as in the other regions worldwide: you need to feed the device with the fiat money to get the equivalent amount in bitcoins. You scan the QR code of your digital wallet so that the machine can read the address and perform the transaction. You can also sell your coins on these ATMs.

4. Debit and Credit Cards

Another convenient way to buy bitcoin in Florida is with debit cards or credit cards. Vista, Master, or any other credit card is a viable option as long as the seller approves it. If you were wondering how to buy bitcoin in Florida by using your credit or debit card, here is the way: find an exchange that operates with your type of card, upload the details required and specify the amount you want to be deducted from your account. You will receive the equivalent amount in bitcoins. To get your bitcoins, you have to provide your virtual wallet address where the bitcoins will be stored. All fees that incur from this transaction are on you.

5. Local Bitcoins Website

The LocalBitcoins website is one of the most popular places online where you can buy or sell your crypto all over the world. The purpose of the site is a reliable connection between bitcoin buyers and sellers in local areas. There is no need to meet the vendor personally because the transaction can be carried out entirely online. Once you have chosen the payment method, send the sum you wish to the vendor and upload a payment’s copy. The vendor will release the bitcoins placed in an escrow account. The payment being confirmed, the bitcoins are transferred to your bitcoin address.

6. Bank Wire Transfer

Here is another perfect way to buy bitcoins in Florida. It is particularly suitable if you want to make more significant transactions. Apart from its safety side, it’s cheap and convenient. However, it may take more time because of several verification processes.

Besides, it may take a long time for the banks to transfer your funds from your account to the beneficiary’s account. Check reviews to see what the bank takes the shortest time to perform a transaction.

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