Are student loans killing your vibe?

Student loan debt exceeds $1.5 trillion in the United States. For many new graduates, this may seem impossible to pay back.

Details About Creative Ways to Pay off Student Loans

But, ignoring your loans will only result in deeper debt. Read on to learn 6 creative ways to pay off student loans.

1. Odd Jobs

If your career covers your living expenses without leaving much to spare, pick up odd jobs to help you with paying off student loans. Find something fun to avoid overwhelming yourself.

Dog lovers could dog walk while kids at heart can babysit. Put any unique skills or artistic abilities to use and build a side hustle selling your work or services.

Other good side hustles include:

  • Freelance writing
  • Driving Uber or Lyft
  • Tutoring
  • House cleaning
  • Personal Training

Find something that fits your lifestyle and interest, and you can happily eliminate your debt.

2. Rent Space

Does your home have an extra room? If so, you can clean it up, install a lock, and rent it out on sites like Air B&B or Hostels Worldwide.

While buying a rental property takes a big investment and commitment, this just requires you to share space you already own for a short period of time. If you decide you do not like creative ways to pay off student loans, you can stop renting out space at any time.

4. Serve

Become a civil servant and enroll in The Department of Education’s Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). This program significantly cuts debt for people who work for the government or in a non-profit sector.

It does require you to make 120 of your payments on time. You may need to seek an alternative option if you missed payments due to difficult financial circumstances.

If you do not want to work as a civil servant your entire life or join the military, you can join AmeriCorps. This civil program serves to help impoverished communities across the United States. They only require about one year of service and will help with your student loans.

5. Sell Yourself

Sell some of yourself to make extra money. No, this does not mean prostitution.

Sell your blood plasma for extra cash. Most centers will take your plasma about once a month.

Possibly the quickest way to pay off student loans is to sell your sperm or eggs. While sperm donation dopes not pay quite as much, places will pay thousands for a woman in good health to donate her eggs.

6. Collect Change

When you need to protect yourself from student loan garnishment, every penny counts! Collect spare change and watch how quickly it adds up!

Keep a jar in your home designated for change and empty your pockets or purse each day. Grab coins off the ground and stay on top of bottle returns to increase your savings. Try to roll the coins and put them into an account that only pays your student loans about every other month.

Use Creative Ways to Pay Off Student Loans

College debt can weigh down your like if you let it. Get proactive and free yourself with creative ways to pay off student loans.

Interested in more career ideas to help increase your profits? Check out the finance section of our website.

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