Are you an avid collector of challenge coins with an impressively large collection of them? Or have you earned your fair share of challenge coins over time by serving in the military, working as a police officer, or holding down an important government job?

Either way, you should be proud of yourself for getting your hands on so many challenge coins. You’ve obviously had to work hard for each and every challenge coin in your possession, so you should take pride in your ability to do it.

You should also learn about some of the best challenge coin display ideas out there. With the right challenge coin display stand, you can show off your challenge coin collection and share it with those who are most important to you.

Today, we’re going to run through four of the best challenge coin ideas for those looking to display their collections. Take a look at them below and decide which challenge coin stand would work best for you.

1. Challenge Coin Display Dome

Challenge Coin Display Dome

Do you happen to have a single challenge coin that you would like to separate from all the rest of your challenge coins and put on full display? If so, something like a challenge coin display dome might work best for you.

Of all the challenge coin display ideas on this list, this is the only one that is specifically designed to hold just one challenge coin. It’ll allow you to pick your favorite challenge coin of the bunch that you own and stick it front and center for all to see.

It’s not going to be a great solution for those who don’t really have a challenge coin that stands out. But if you’re especially proud of one of your challenge coins, you should think about getting your hands on this dome for it.

Visit to see some great challenge coins that you might want to put in a display dome like this.

2. Challenge Coin Display Box

Challenge Coin Display Box

Do you want to be able to pick up all your challenge coins and take them with you wherever you go? Then investing in a challenge coin display box might be in your best interest.

A challenge coin box is a box that can be used to keep all your challenge coins safe and sound when you don’t want to leave them out in the open. But by simply flipping it open, you can also transform it into a display that’ll let you show your challenge coins off to the world.

Many challenge coin display boxes can also be completely customized if you would like. It’s why they’ve turned into a popular option among those who store their own military challenge coins inside. They’re able to put their military credentials right on their boxes to make them unique.

3. Challenge Coin Display Pyramid

Challenge Coin Display Pyramid

Do you like the idea of picking up a challenge coin display that looks every bit as amazing as your challenge coins themselves? If you do, a challenge coin display pyramid might be your best bet.

As its name would suggest, a challenge coin display pyramid is shaped like a pyramid, and it has three sides where you can put all of your challenge coins on display. People will then be able to turn the pyramid to take a closer look at all your challenge coins if they would like.

One drawback to going with a challenge coin display pyramid is that it’s not going to give you the opportunity to show off all your challenge coins at once. But the simple fact that the display will intrigue people enough to get them to want to look at your challenge coins in the first place should help you get over this.

4. Challenge Coin Display Shelf

Challenge Coin Display Shelf

Do you have an especially big collection of challenge coins that isn’t going to fit into any of the other challenge coin display ideas listed here? Then you’ll need to bring in the big guns when it’s time to put your challenge coins on display.

A challenge coin display shelf is going to be the best option for you. This type of shelf can be almost any size that you want it to be, and you’ll be able to hang it on any wall so that you showcase everything your challenge coin collection has to offer.

You can also pick and choose from any number of materials when you purchase a challenge coin display shelf. Some of these shelves are made out of wood, while others are manufactured using metal. They also often have felt backgrounds that come in lots of different colors.

If you’re ready to commit some serious wall space to a challenge coin display, you can’t go wrong with a shelf. It’ll stay put for a long time and will even provide you with additional space to continue adding to your challenge coin collection as you move forward in life.

These Are Just a Few Challenge Coin Display Ideas That Might Be Right for You

There is no sense in keeping your challenge coin collection locked away in a closet somewhere. If you’re going to go through the trouble of collecting dozens, if not hundreds, of challenge coins, you should proudly showcase them in some part of your home or office.

And you should do it by putting one of the challenge coin display ideas on this list to the test. At least one of them should set you up with a fantastic place to put all of the challenge coins that you’ve been able to collect. You might even want to pick up a few different displays for the different types of challenge coins that you own.

Read more articles about buying, selling, and collecting challenge coins by poking around on the rest of our blog.

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