When you’re planning to put your home on the market, you want to make sure you do everything you can to sell it fast. And at least at asking price! So, you need a plan that will do just that.

But what many people overlook is the importance of staging a home. It’s no longer enough to get a potential buyer to walk through a house. You need to set it up so they can easily visualize themselves living there.

Contrary to popular belief, staging a home doesn’t have to be expensive! There are several ways of staging a house on a budget in ways that can get you top dollar. Read on to learn more.

1. Start with a Clean Slate

Before you think about staging, you need to start with a clean slate. That means deep cleaning your house, down to every last nook and cranny.

Although it may be time-consuming, especially if you have a big house, it’s one of the most important steps you can take. Plus, it’s budget-friendly! You can check out this site to learn more about why this is a critical step.

Just make sure everything is spotless. That means the windows, floors, walls (paint if you have to), counters, baseboards, light switches… you get the point. Every surface should sparkle.

2. Up the Curb Appeal

First impressions are so important. And you want to wow any potential buyer before they even step foot into the house.

Put extra care into your home’s curb appeal. This includes power washing the exterior and sidewalks, sprucing up the landscaping, and freshening up any needed painting.

It’s also a great idea to create a welcoming porch, even if it’s a small space. Put down a clean welcome mat, place potted plants around, and set out chairs if you have room.

It’s easy to do this all on a budget. By doing the work yourself and shopping for additional items at a discount store, you can stay within budget while still achieving the look you want.

3. Declutter and Depersonalize

It’s difficult for a potential buyer to visualize a space being theirs if it’s covered in your clutter and personal touches. Instead, you want to create a neutral playing field.

Take down family pictures and collectibles. Get rid of unnecessary clutter. This may mean having to rent an offsite storage unit until you move into your next house.

Yes, it can be a hassle, but by getting rid of the clutter it creates more visual space. This opens up the house and makes it feel bigger. Plus, it gives the potential buyer an opportunity to picture their own stuff in the space instead.

But don’t leave tables and mantles empty. It’s always a good idea to leave a grouping of three objects, such as a lamp, plant, and book on an end table.

4. Create a “Homey” Feeling

Just because you’ve emptied out the clutter and personal items doesn’t mean you should leave the house looking bare. Give the place a homey “lived-in” look that will make it easy for potential buyers to picture themselves moving right into.

This includes placing logs in the fireplace, setting the dining room table, having a vase of fresh cut flowers, and a bowl of fruit in the kitchen. You can even have a chess board set up to make it appear there’s a game in progress.

And don’t just end it at visual displays. Make the place smell homey as well. Use scented candles, potpourri, or boil some water with vanilla added to it.

5. Make It Neutral

Using neutral colors in your home will have the broadest appeal to the buying public. While you may love that red accent wall in your bedroom, others may not. Having personal color choices can turn off many buyers.

It doesn’t have to be all white. Neutral colors in soft browns or greys will warm up a home’s look without overpowering it with strong colors.

Paint is an inexpensive way to freshen up the look and feel of your home.

6. Each Room Should Have a Purpose

The last thing you want is for a potential buyer to walk through and wonder to themselves, “What is this room for?”.

Or worse yet, for them to see a room that appears as a guest room / office / craft room / play room. Having so many uses for a room in one can give the impression that the home isn’t big enough. That can send a buyer walking.

Instead, give a room one purpose. Stage an empty smaller room as a home gym. Or get rid of the multipurpose room and only stage it as a guest room.

When a potential buyer sees there’s a space for everything and everything has a purpose, it will be easier for them to visualize using that space as well.

7. Let There Be Light

When it comes to selling a home, light is your best friend. Buyers hate to walk through dark rooms that feel more like a cave than a home.

To help with this, there are several things you can do that doesn’t cost much money such as replacing heavy curtains with sheer drapes. You can also strategically place lamps in dark corners.

Make sure window blinds are fully open when showing your house. Also, ensure all light bulbs are functioning and turned on.

When a space is light and bright, it makes the home appear more welcoming and open which buyers will appreciate.

Staging a House on a Budget Can Be Easy and Worth It

Staging your home can seem intimidating. But knowing the right steps to take when staging a house on a budget can mean getting your home sold sooner and for the right price.

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