Over 25 million Americans work out at home. Working out at home without a companion or competitor can feel like a chore. At the same time, adverse weather conditions, weekend plans and traffic can derail any intention of exercising on a good day. Twenty-five million is a sizeable number, and it is a vast market for all treadmill manufacturing companies of the 21st century.

Most fitness enthusiasts find their motivation dampening after window shopping a few treadmill models. A modern design with programmable features can set you back by $4000. It is profitable for commercial fitness centres to invest in costly fitness equipment since their members pay big bucks to use them. For them, it is a rewarding investment in the real sense of the term. For home users, buying the latest make and model of treadmills can be financially troublesome. Fortunately, other options can get you a treadmill for regular home use without extorting a fortune.

What kind of a treadmill do you need?

Before you think about buying a treadmill, always consider renting one from a reliable gym equipment supplier. There are a few questions you must answer to find the equipment that fits your necessities the best.

  • How much are you willing to pay?
  • How much space can you dedicate for the machinery and the users?
  • How many people will be using it?
  • How frequently will you be using it?
  • How do you plan on using it? (Will you be walking or running?)
  • Do you need the extra programming options, treadmill desk, heart rate monitor and large LCD touch screens?

Why is it necessary to hire treadmills before buying?

It is easy for the first timers to feel overwhelmed and order for something exuberant at the first go. However, that does not mean that the buyer will be using all the features. As you can probably understand by now, functions can determine the cost of the running machine. A new model with heart rate monitors and high sensitivity touch screen options will increase the price quite a bit. If you have no plans of using the fancy add-ons every day, you should not think about wasting money on them either. If more than one member of your family will use the equipment, always ask about their preferences and necessities as well.

Since it is difficult to find out exactly which model will serve all of your purposes, it is always the best idea to get a running machine for the family on a trial basis. Most gym equipment suppliers will not allow you to try them for a couple of days and then decide, but you can always approach a renowned gym supplier rental service for the same. Working with a famous supplier will give you the option of accessing the most recent models and their upgrades. The best suppliers cum rental services will provide you with access to a great range see here for more information on the latest offers.

How to understand if your chosen treadmill is good enough?

Finding the right horsepower

The treadmill motor horsepower is an important signifier of the function and performance of the running machine. The horsepower determines how your entire run or workout will feel. Trying to make sense of the horsepower can be daunting for the first-timer. You need to check for the continuous duty horsepower of the treadmill motor. Look for one with a minimum of 1.5 CHP. However, frequent runners require slightly more horsepower between 2.5 CHP and 3.0 CHP. Your weight will also determine the horsepower you need for smooth performance.

The right belt size

Walking requires a smaller and narrower belt size. Regular runners need a belt that is at least 48-inches in length and 18-inches in width. People with a larger stride require a belt that is at least 52-inches in length. Not buying a treadmill with the correct belt size can interfere with your daily workout and cause knee problems in the long run.

What about the speed settings?

For regular walkers and brisk walkers, finding a treadmill is not that tough. A treadmill that goes at least 10 miles per hour is necessary for those, who prefer to run regularly. The ones that come with heart rate monitors and customizable incline are always better for runners.

Think about stability and cushioning

The running machine should be stable enough, so it does not shake when you run on it. At the same time, the bed should be able to absorb the shock your feet send during fast running. The belt should not move about with each strike of the foot. Stability is an essential factor while buying the treadmill. It will determine your entire performance and the outcome of your exercise regimen daily.

Have you considered the maximum weight rating?

If you are above 6-feet tall and you are on the heavier side of the scale, you should always consider the upper limit of weight of the machine. Weight rating tells about the sturdiness and stability of the machine. It is not there as statutory guidelines. One of the easiest ways to get this right is by checking the maximum user weight rating and then subtracting about 50 pounds from there.

The programming extras

Have you thought about getting walking or running programme on the machine? Do you want to follow a set plan for your workout each day? Do you think a heart rate monitor or the integration with other apps will aid your fitness journey? If you are sure you need these add-ons, only then go for the rather extravagant designs with several programmable features and monitors.

Trying before buying might be an age-old concept, but in the case of treadmills, it is the most pertinent advice. It is a considerable expense, and exploring your buying options is necessary to make proper buying decisions. Moreover, trying will give you the chance to think about its placement. You can think about smart storage and maintenance options while the running machine is at home on the lease.

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