If you think you have a great music taste then listen…

If you are into music, you must know what Spotify is – the most famous music platform for music lovers and creators to share their music with others and to have a great environment for listening to high-quality tracks and explore the music world even deeper. It is also a great platform to create amazing playlists, share them with others and… become famous?  Yes, it is possible and in this article, you will know tips and tricks that will help you achieve this goal.

Start with creating a playlist(s)

Be creative and express your music taste – what is more pleasing than creating a playlist and arranging music by artists, genres, and mood and vibe they have? So, go ahead and enjoy this process, create high-quality and tidy playlists and get ready to share them with other listeners.

Use other social media

Have you seen any influencer or famous figure who has just one social platform and never uses others? Well, you may have, but you should agree that it is not anywhere near the best way to become famous. All your social media accounts help you to create a whole image of you, people like when they can switch from you Instagram to your Facebook, then to your Snapchat and so on, so they can know more about you and easily get in touch with you. Therefore, link your Spotify profile on other media, share your playlists on, basically every other platform and let your friends and followers see and share your work. This still remains the best way to become famous and make your name pop up on other peoples’ feeds.

Understand your audience

Creating playlists is just like creating a product and marketing it, so, you have to think about your target and understand its needs. Who is your target? – your listeners, your followers, that means you have to understand who they are, what are they following you for, identify their expectations and put all that information into your product – create content that will satisfy your audience and will help you to mark your name in their heart. Don’t you have at least one favorite artist and you keep suggesting them to your friends and colleagues? So, try to become someone else’s favorite creator and the same will happen to your name. But, never lose your personality and be authentic. This is important. Do not work only for others, but work for yourself and create a playlist that would work best for you, it will help you to gain an audience that has a similar taste and vibing with them will be much easier.

Exchange your playlist

Spotify has a special community where users can post their playlists with a little description of the genre, artists, target audience and so on. This way you can post your playlists and reach out to many other users, explore new trends, find other creators and boost your playlist views. Do not forget to use tags that will be relevant to your playlist, it helps your forum post to be reached to a larger audience.

Playlist image and bio

That is the very first thing that people see. Using an eye-catching image and creative bio for the playlist will work like magic! Try to use pictures that are interesting and aesthetically pleasing, also related to content in a direct or creative way.

The creativity needed when it comes to the bio of your playlist. Try something unique and related to the genre of the playlist. Knowing a little bit about principles of SEO will help you a lot as well – use genre names in bio and mention several artists, so once someone searches these artists or genres, your playlist will pop up in the results.

Be consistent

It is unlikely that people will follow a profile that has not been updated for a long period of time. Update your playlists, create new ones and just be active on social media. Share your content, let your profile be at as many places on the internet as possible. This is the best way to gain an audience and followers. Although, many people find it hard and boring to start from scratch and find another way of becoming popular on Spotify. One way is to buy Spotify saves and go a few steps ahead into developing an advanced Spotify profile.

But, exactly how many songs?…

What is the best number of songs that should be in the playlist? Well, no one can tell a precise number. Everyone’s preference is different, but many artists suggest not to add way too many tracks in a single playlist. On average 100 songs per playlist would work the best – 50 as a minimum, 150 as a maximum. Obviously, you can use only a few songs or several hundred in some cases, it depends on what type of playlist you are trying to create, but, in general, these numbers are the best.

Keep it fresh

Updating is the key! When you are following a playlist you need new content, the fresh breeze of the air. Try not to keep the same song for a long period of time, change it and add something new. Also, do not add the same artist way too many times. Keep it fresh, Keep it random and unique.

Enjoy the process of content-creating

Having fun should be the main goal while doing a playlist on Spotify. We all work this way – doing our best when we enjoy the process, we get creative and express the most and the best of ourselves. When you do so, you are finished with an amazing product and what can happen to the good and high-quality product other than good results and outcome? Nothing, most likely. Therefore, have fun and keep creating wonders.

Using these tips will help you to gain a beautiful community around your profile. Try not to be scattered and distracted, do not waste any time and start from now. Write down every possible way of marketing your content, this way you will create a brief strategy, and this is the path towards success and popularity!

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