If there are safe ways (and destinations) that we can travel to regardless of season, and COVID-based fluctuations in regulations? There is a multitude of vacation ideas during COVID that you should know before you decide that hibernating is the best way to spend your time-off or vacation time.

Even with the wonderful news of a COVID vaccine in the works, some of us will still have to spend a huge chunk of time in lockdown for quite some time yet.

Keep on reading for the top vacation ideas during COVID that can save your mental health, and give you a much-needed break from counting the cracks in your ceiling.

Vacation Ideas During COVID 101: A Rwandan Safari Adventure

Vacation Ideas During COVID 101 A Rwandan Safari Adventure

Alright, let’s start with one of the most far-flung locations possible, before looking at more local options.

If you’ve been craving some outdoor time, with nature, animals, and amazing food, you can’t go wrong with going on a Rwandan safari adventure.

Interestingly enough, Rwanda was an early adapter to healthcare-based precautions with a lockdown in early March 2020, being the first sub-Saharan nation to do so.

It’s now open for tourism, but with a much-reduced capacity, with an average of six visitors per gorilla family. The government wanted to continue raising critical funds for gorilla conservation, as well as protecting their citizens and primates from COVID-19.

You can set a trip up during any season, but you’ll want to aim for October and November, if possible. These two months span springtime in Rwanda, with brief downpours that can truly transform the landscape into vibrant green heaven with beautiful flora and fauna.

For the Camper-van Lovers: Montenegro and Croatia

For the Camper-van Lovers Montenegro and Croatia

If you’re aching for a European trip, going for a visit to either Croatia or its tiny neighbor Montenegro, is the way to go.

They’ve been open to U.S. passport holders, just make sure you get a PCR test 72 hours (at most) before landing in Europe. This will allow you to enjoy the stunning Adriatic coast, spanning amazing beaches, rugged interior if you’re a hiker and historic towns for some sightseeing.

You can easily check out yachts or campervans from lunatrips, which can streamline the whole process for you, and get everything taken care of in one place.

Disconnecting From the World: Alaska

Disconnecting From the World Alaska

Maybe you’re looking for something a bit more remote in terms of the human population, yet still within the borders of the United States.

If you’re still choosing the right time for travel, Alaska turns into a paradise during the fall, with the leaves changing colors, and the blueberry bushes transforming into a red carpet.

Besides, the Northern Lights that begin their seasonal dance across the sky, you can also enjoy some wildlife viewing, with coincides with migration season for fauna like gray whales, caribou, and numerous species of birds, like cranes.

Ready to Clock Some Vacation Time?

Needless to say, most of us are dealing with severe cases of cabin fever. At the same time, you’ll want to stay safe and follow your healthcare guidelines when it comes to vacation ideas during COVID-19.

Thankfully, after our little guide of vacation ideas during COVID, you are ready to set your budget, inform your supervisors that you’re getting some time off, and flying away.

If you’re still not quite sure where to go, make sure to check out out ‘travel and entertainment section for all the tips and info you could need.

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