While you’ve done a good job of following recommended safety protocols during the pandemic, there are times when you do need to travel. Driving isn’t always an option, owing to the distance involved. In these types of circumstances, considering something like a helicopter rental in Toronto or possibly a charter flight would be best. Here are some of the reasons why charter flights are better than booking a flight on a commercial airline.

Here are the four reasons to consider charter flights

Avoiding Lines at the Airport

Avoiding Lines at the Airport

Even during a pandemic, lines at the airport are a fact of life. While care is taken to maintain distance in most cases, there are always those who prefer to not follow the recommendations. Unfortunately, you’re likely to come in contact with a few either while checking in or waiting to board at the gate.

If you have a charter trip set up, there are no lines to contend with. Go directly to the site where the helicopter or jet is waiting. While you still encounter a few people, they are likely observing the same safety protocols you are. That gets the trip off to a better start.

Control Over Who You Travel With

Control Over Who You Travel With

With commercial flights, you travel with whoever booked a seat. There’s no way of knowing anything about those other people, including who they’ve been around. In turn, they know nothing about you or where you’ve been.

With a charter flight, you decide who gets to go along. It might be someone who’s a member of your household. It could be a coworker who has undergone the same testing and takes the same precautions that you do. The point is there’s a better chance that both of you will remain healthy.

Observing Safety Protocols While in the Air

Observing Safety Protocols While in the Air

Since you know everyone who is on the charter flight, it’s easier to determine what safety protocols all of you will observe. That may mean wearing masks when a crew member is close by. It certainly means maintaining a reasonable amount of distance while boarding, during the flight, and after the landing.

See this as one more way to protect others as you protect yourself. Everyone still gets to have a good time and you get where you need to go. Best of all, everyone is more comfortable because all of you are following the same protocols.

Landing at Airports During Off-Peak Hours

With charter flights, you have the ability to determine when you leave and when you arrive at your destination. It’s easy enough to plan the departure and arrival times so that you get where you need to go at an off-peak hour. The result is that there are fewer people in the airport and less chance of getting too close to anyone.

This is great for you and anyone else traveling as part of the party. Whether getting a cab or renting a car, maintaining social distancing will be easier. That’s one more way to take some of the stress out of traveling during a pandemic.

While you stay close to home most of the time, travel may be necessary from time to time. If you need to go on a business trip or even want to get away for a time, do keep the best travel options during this pandemic in mind as you plan the trip. Doing so will be good for you and for anyone else that you come in contact with.

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